My Super God QQ

Chapter 349: What about Wang Tianlao

"Damn, the dog can't spit out ivory. Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

Being cursed all day long, one of the members of the department could not bear it a little, and once again struck across the foot and beat Wang Lin to death.

"Don't kill me!"

The Deputy Minister squinted at him, warning.

"Well, I was so upset that he was clamoring." The members of this department were guilty. In fact, he was still a little afraid of Li Qing in his heart, otherwise, he would never be so bored.

"Oh, let's put a hundred hearts! If he gave me a cross, I'm not a vegetarian!" The Deputy Minister sneered.

Would he not see the thoughts of these two men, but he has absolute confidence and will surely overwhelm Li Qing.

Tied to Wang Lin and put him in a snakeskin bag like throwing garbage, they walked down the mall to the department base.


They just got off the rooftop of the mall, and Li Qing also landed here.

"Still don't let ordinary people see it, so as not to cause unnecessary things!" Li Qing noticed that no one was next to him, so he only fell on the platform of this mall.

After glancing at the surrounding environment, Li Qing put Feijian into his eyebrows, and then he relied on navigation to go to the department.


Upon entering this underground base, Li Qing was discovered.

"Major General Li Qing, our Deputy Minister has invited you!"

"it is good!"

Where is Li Qingzheng about this guy? Just about to scream, when he heard this, a cold flash flashed in his eyes and nodded.

At the moment, this member of the department who came to talk was shocked by such a chill.

This is the coercion of the monks during the foundation period!

It can be said that becoming a monk in the foundation period, Li Qing is already different from mortal. This is like on the biological chain, he is one level higher than mortals, so this coercion will definitely affect people.

Um, how to say?

Some people will also treat this thing as a kind of aura!

"What's the name of the new deputy minister?"

"His name is Heihui!"

"Heihui? Okay! Is it very dark?"


Members of this department dare not say what their boss is saying, they can only be regarded as unheard.

When Li Qing came back, there were still many members who had seen him, so they whispered and ran to each other.

"That Li Qing is back!"

"This time, I'm afraid I'm going to quarrel with the Deputy Minister?"

"Go, let's go lively? Say, won't they fight?"

"No, where is this place, and important government agencies, if you fight, you will definitely have to do something big."

"In other words, do you want to call the minister out?"

"The minister has been shutting down, who dares to bother? Look, I think there is something to watch, but it won't be loud!"

"I really hope that Li Qing has taught the deputy minister well. This guy is too abhorrent. He will hang like that when he is up. Every day he will be so proud that he will instruct this one, and that one..."

"Yes, it seems like he is the boss here, and we are his employees..."

A group of people followed them quietly and went to the office of the Deputy Minister Hei Hui.

Li Qing heard their whispering in their ears, and it seemed that Heihui was not very popular.

it is good!

At that time, he will be packed up a little bit to make everyone happy. Plainclothes

"Come in!"

As he knocked on the door, the person from that department took Li Qing into the office.

As soon as he entered the door, Li Qing saw a young man sitting on the boss's chair, straddling his feet, and laying on the desk, looking at himself with wanton eyes.

The young man was wearing a black suit and had long hair, perhaps smeared with styling water, making it look like a thorn, and the lice jumped up and feared that they might all slip down and die.

how to say?

It's just a look of beating.

Seeing that there was a chair opposite him, Li Qing walked over and sat down drastically.

"What about my brother?" Li Qing asked.

"Did I ask you to sit down?" The young man frowned. "Is there any organization and discipline? I am the deputy minister, you are my men!"

"Then I'm still a general. It's a big deal. I don't do the job on your side..."

Li Qing sneered.

What kind of organization, what discipline, if it is replaced by someone else, it may be useful to suppress him in this way. But Li Qing? Sorry, he really doesn't like this kind of official business tone.


If you don't say it, you don't do it. It's the young man, that is, Hei Hui, who is so angry that she loses her leisurely appearance, sits down violently, and points to Li Qing, so angry that she can't speak.

"Less you, mine, let's say, what the **** did my brother do, let him go, in that case, maybe you can still sit here in your position..."

He is arrogant, Li Qing is even more arrogant!

This is the reason of Li Qing.

If there is gratitude, there will be ten rewards, and there will be revenge, and thousands of times will be returned.

"Okay, then I will do business with you. According to my investigation, he used blood-sucking brutal means in the town and killed more than 30 people. You said I should arrest him and convict him?" Heihui suppressed his anger.

If the other party really does not care about this identity, then he really did not take Li Qing. Who let Li Qing have the status of major general.

"What about the evidence?"

"Many people present are evidence!"

"I am talking about physical evidence, what kind of monitoring?"

"Still under investigation..."

If Wang Lin did something bad, then Li Qing would only ask him why he wanted to do it, and then how bad it was!

If he killed innocent children or women, Li Qing would be very angry, but if he killed some **** people, Li Qing would not care.

"Well, I want to see my brother!"

"Sorry! In order to avoid suspicion, we will not let you see!"

"What if I had to meet?" Li Qing's eyes narrowed. At this time, it was a sign that he was going to be angry.

Suddenly, a coercion of pressure rose from Li Qing's body, as if forming a mountain, pressing against each other.

"That won't work either, you violate the national laws!"

Hei Huineng had two brushes as vice minister. At first, he was startled by his coercion, but then he waved his hands and formed an invisible gas shield to protect himself.

This method is similar to magic.

Li Qing was a little surprised, thinking of national laws, and finally called Mr. Zhu.


Li Qing had to worry about the national laws, because the suspension motorcycles he produced were still under the supervision of the state, and he also needed to make money, only to give the country a little face.

"Master Zhu!"

"Well, I know your business, don't worry, lad, this matter, we will do it on business, and will not embarrass your friends or make you difficult..." It said a lot, anyway, let Li Qing do not worry, calm. Chaos sneaking in the dark

Can Li Qing be in a hurry?

"Okay, old man, I listen to you, but I must see my friend."

"Hmm~" Master Zhu pondered for three seconds: "Well, you give Heihui a call."

Heihui answered the phone: "Hello!"

"Let him see his friends!"

"However, it is not allowed according to the relevant laws..." In fact, Heihui did not dare to let Li Qing see it. He used Wang Lin's abuse of lynchings like that, which can't be justified!

However, Grandpa Zhu ignored his opinion and said directly that if something goes wrong, he will be responsible.

You know, Mr. Zhu is now relying on Li Qing to gain a lot of voice. Of course, he has to help Li Qing.

Before Hei Hui explained, he could find a way to recover it, and Mr. Zhu had already hung up.


Li Qing sneered.

"A country, you take him to the detention room..." Hei Hui said.

He must prepare something, even if Li Qing will interfere with national laws, he must also prepare something to prevent Li Qing from rioting.


Li Qing was carried by one person and soon saw Wang Lin.

At this time, Wang Lin was not like an adult. Really, his body was covered with blood. If he had no flesh and bones, Li Qing would not dare to believe that he was Wang Lin.


Li Qing couldn't help it in an instant, and an anger rose uncontrollably from both sides.


Li Qing voice growled gradually from low to high, his face flushed red, and then turned blue, his neck rose like an explosion, his fists slammed

"You, let him out!!"

If Li Qing just exhaled the pressure, which can shock people, then his pressure has now turned into a murderous force. This cold murderousness made the members of the department standing on the side feel trembling. There is a feeling of suddenly falling into the thousand-year cold cellar.

The murderous air radiated from all sides in this direction. In the distance, some people were preparing to peek at the bustling ones. They only felt that the air had settled, and it was very difficult to breathe.

An invisible fear emerged from their minds.

Suddenly, they instinctively turned around and fled.

"But it can't be put..."


Li Qing almost squeezed such a word out of his teeth.

Immediately, the man shuddered in fright, shaking the key and opening the door.

Li Qing went in and put Chundan back in his mouth, so he went back to Heihui behind him.

"Heihui, you die for me! Today, I don't kill you, I will give you your last name!"

Carrying Wang Lin, Li Qing came out, and suddenly there was a loud roar.

As if it were thunder, the entire base even shook several times in the roar...

"A Qing, you can't do this!" Scale Eight, who Li Qing had seen, came out and stopped.

"Control your mood!" Claw III, the cold woman appeared, said.

"No, I'm going to kill him!"

"He is a national civil servant, you will commit a crime!"

"Hahahaha, what's the matter, as long as it hurts my brother, let alone him, even the king and the elder, I will kill and kill..." The last killing word, Li Qing's roaring thunder, spread again and again to the entire base .

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