My Super God QQ

Chapter 350: Unstoppable

"Calm down!"

Claw III said, and grabbed his hand to Li Qing, and a cold chill spread into Li Qing's body.

Her intention was to calm Li Qing calmly.


Li Qing squinted at her, her shoulders moved slightly, and she flew out.

"I know you are well-intentioned, but I'm sorry, I can't control myself now, and, scale eight, don't persuade me!"

Li Qing looked at the scales that rushed up again.

At a glance!

At a glance again, Scale 8 seemed to be struck by lightning, and felt daunted to suppress it.

"National law is more important than everything, you must be calm!"

Scale Eight couldn't breathe a little, and the waves in his heart stirred up. He didn't know why he was like this, but he still forced out such a sentence.

Li Qing nodded, sneered, and walked to Heihui's office again.

in this way……

The people behind him all looked horrified.

"What's going on, Claw Three? How did he glance at me? It seemed like I couldn't move. This is this..." Scale Eight breathed in a big mouth, full of confusion.

"If you were an ordinary person and you were stared at by a tiger, what would you do?" Claw San looked at Li Qing with anxiety and explained casually.

Suddenly, Shiba understood what she meant.

That is, Li Qing is too strong, and his coercion, that is, the aura has been strengthened more than a hundred times than him, will this kind of embarrassment happen.

"Isn't his strength?" Scale said again.

"Well! I think his current strength has reached a point where we can't understand it!" Claw San solemnly said.

"What should we do? Are we watching him kill Heihui? Heihui is the deputy minister, even if he is a major general, killing him will also commit a serious crime and be taken to the military court!"

"Go tell the minister! Maybe now, only the minister has a way!"


"No, but Li Qing saved your life. Do you want Li Qing to commit a heinous crime, be chased by the state, and stand on the opposite side of the country? At that time, I am afraid that the water will be overwhelmed and the national law is above everything else!" Claw three words go a long way.

Scale eight thought of something terrible, and quickly notified the minister.

But he hadn't knocked on the closed bluestone room dedicated to the minister. The stone door was already opened from there, and an old man with a white appearance wearing a white kimono walked out.

"I get it! I haven't gotten old enough to hear such a big deal!"

"Yes, Minister!" said scale eight, bowing his head embarrassedly.

Of course, he is still a bit strange in his heart. The minister is more than a hundred years old, is it really so good?

Just thinking of this, the minister in front of him has already taken steps, as if shrinking to an inch, a step of more than ten meters, disappeared in his sight.

"It seems that the minister should be able to control Li Qing, this is just fine..."

He was relieved.



Li Qing kicked Heihui's door with one foot.

The gate shattered into countless pieces and splashed everywhere.

In this way, he carried Wang Lin, who passed out, and walked inside. Xin'an County King's Notes

"You, you are like nothing, what do you want!"

"You, ha ha ha, till now, you still ask me what I want?" Li Qing smiled angrily, his eyes almost burst into anger, which could burn people's anger.

"Yes, I punished him, but this is also allowed by law..."

"No need to tell me that nonsense anymore!" Li Qing sneered and didn't want to listen to him at all, only to say domineeringly: "Speak! How do you want to die!"

It's so deceiving!

Seeing Li Qing being so arrogant and arrogant, Hei Hui was also trembling with rage.

This time, he didn't want to have any laws anymore. He didn't want to be able to use force here. He was bullied to his head. He who loved his face immediately became angry and guilty.

"I **** your uncle!"

He wanted to preemptively, so he squeezed in his hand and actually produced a transparent air knife with a length of three meters, chopping down towards Li Qing.


When Li Qing punched, the majestic anger burst out, and the air knife was crushed by life.


He was a little scared, but this air knife was his special skill, so he was a little flustered, his hands were constantly moving, and he threw a net-like gas.

"If you only have these skills, then you will die!"

Faced with the net-like gas, Li Qing sneered, his right hand flicked in his eyebrows, and he pulled out Feijian strangely and chopped forward.

In a split, all the mesh gas was reduced to crushing.

In this way, it is enough to see how great the gap between the strength of the two.


He panicked and looked at Li Qing in disbelief, his teeth constantly fighting up and down.

Heihui remembered that when he brought Wang Lin back, he also checked Li Qing's strength. At that time, he was confident, even if he could not beat Li Qing, it would not be so useless!

But now...

He only felt that he was so weak and weak in front of Li Qing.

"If you want to kill me, you are waiting for the national trial!"

The next second, the wall behind him fell and he ran away with a roar.

It turned out that as early as just now, he was ready for the back road, and it is just now available.

"Want to escape? You are too naive!"

As soon as Li Qing's hand was loose, Feijian flew out automatically, and stabbed him in the stomach.


Li Qing couldn't kill him easily. He wanted to torture this fellow too badly and give his brother a breath. Even if he was angry again, he still knew the character of the brother. If Wang Lin woke up and saw Heihui dead, he would be happy, but he would still be angry.

Therefore, Li Qing does not want him to die now, he has to wait for his brother to wake up and let him deal with him.

As soon as Feijian passed, he dodged and was cut under his ribs, and immediately a large amount of blood spattered out, causing him to utter a scream of sorrow.

"Want to escape!"

Li Qing again flicked the flying sword and cut it to his leg.

A slap of meat flew from his thigh.

"you you you……"

This time, he was still running, and immediately fell to the ground in pain.

"It's a murder, a constant kill!" My frost sorrow can't be so cute

"But he is guilty!"

"Sin or not is not yours..." Li Qing is also controlling Feijian to cut the other leg of him.

Just when the flying sword was about to be cut down, a sword appeared from the side to block the sword.

It was the minister that Li Qing had seen.

"Okay, it's time to get angry, young man, what's the matter, sit down and discuss!" He, dressed in a white kimono, just stood in front of Heihui.

"Minister..." Li Qing frowned.

"Yes, we used to talk quite happily, don't you? Boy, just stop, he is wrong, but there are national laws to punish him severely..."

"No! I just want him to die now!"

"But, you are right with the country like that!"

"Why don't you get it right? I said, even if it is the emperor of the king, who hurts my brother, he will die!" Li Qing spit out word by word.

"So, I'm sorry, old age must stop you!" After the old man finished, his slightly cloudy eyes exuded light: "I think your strength seems to be on the foundation period, but I'm already The second floor of the base period!"

Suddenly, Li Qing's eyes were fixed.

He had long thought that as an important department of the country, there will always be powerful monks, and it seems that this minister is the strongest in the country.

so what?

Li Qing's heart was filled with anger and pride, even if it was the third floor of the foundation period, he was not afraid.


"excuse me!"

Li Qing bullied himself and slapped the old man.


The old man also greeted him.

The old man had strong confidence in his eyes because he could see that Li Qinggang was promoted to foundation, if he could not beat such a three-layer foundation monk, wouldn’t it be a joke...


Just thinking about this, the old man felt as if he was not facing Li Qing with his palm, but let the mountain collide and spit blood and flew out.

He heard many people shouting "Minister" silently. He heard the sound of his broken bones. However, none of this mattered. What he thought was, how is it possible!

how is this possible!

You know, he is a monk on the second floor of the foundation period!

Li Qingcai built the foundation, how is it possible!

In fact, this is not impossible. Although Li Qing is inferior to him in strength, Li Qing is a perfect foundation monk, not to mention that he has many meridians, and his natural energy is also higher than that of ordinary foundation monks. Several times. Therefore, he was beaten out without any problems!

This is the gap in which knowledge changes fate, does not know how to cultivate knowledge, and does not build the foundation perfectly.


Many people couldn't believe their eyes, watching their ministers as if they were hit by a car.

"I'm sorry……"

Li Qingdao, continue to move towards Heihui.

His footsteps seemed to be unstoppable. He walked step by step, as if stepping on the hearts of everyone, so that their hearts couldn't help but beat.


Too strong!

At this time, everyone looked at Li Qing's eyes as if they saw the most terrifying god, they were trembling, they were trembling...

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