Fu Shenyan came in, his eyes were low, his voice was cold and he looked at Lu Xinran and said, "why don't you rest?"

For Lu Xinran, the appearance of Fu Shenyan seemed like a sudden. She was charming and lovely. When she saw him coming, she pulled him by the corner of his clothes, sat him by the bed, hugged him and said, "I sleep too much during the day. I can't sleep. How did you come?"

Hearing this, Cheng juanyu frowned and said, "if you think too much, I just remind you to avoid regret in the future. No matter how deep some love is, it will be recalled one day."

Fu Shenyan raised his eyes, glanced at him and said coldly, "when did you put your mind on her?"

He pointed the ashes on the cigarette end. He looked at Fu Shenyan and said calmly, "you know she didn't do anything, just because she loves you."

As I approached the stairway, I saw Fu Shenyan with his hands in his pocket, leaning coldly against the railing. Cheng juanyu was leaning against the wall, and a cigarette was caught between his slender fingers, which burned most of the time.

"She? Shen Shu When a man opens his mouth, his voice is deep and cold. The most familiar voice is Fu Shenyan.

"The old man is gone. When are you going to divorce her?" This voice is from Cheng Junyu?

After dealing with the wound, the nurse told me a few words, and I was ready to go back to Lu Xinran's ward. When I passed the stairwell, I heard the noise coming from the stairwell, and I couldn't help stopping.

This point of pain, not pain, the kind of heart pulling nerve pain is called pain.


Afraid I can't hold on, the nurse said, "it's going to hurt. You have to bear it."

Because of the blister, so when dealing with the wound, to poke the blister on the wound to clean the abscess.

"Nothing!" Think of it as a lesson.

When Cheng Junyu left, the nurse cleaned the back of my scalded hand. Looking at the white blisters on the back of my hand, the nurse slightly frowned, "it's a bit too hot. It may leave scars in the future!"

I nodded, "thank you!"

Following Cheng Junyu into the surgery room, he explained a few words to a nurse, and then looked at me and said, "cooperate well, bandage well."

But I also know that he is not a meddler, but I am Fu Shenyan's wife.

"I'm a doctor!" Cheng Junyu opened his mouth, but the implication could not be refused. Because he was a doctor, he saw that the patient had no reason to stand by.

Hand was pulled up, I subconsciously want to take back, but instead was pulled more tightly.

You see, just a few people who know each other will ask, "does it hurt?" Why did the person I accompanied for two years turn a blind eye to!

I was stunned, heart stormy, turned sour, "Ta!" A tear the size of a bead fell on the ground, and the wind whistling through the corridor made the corridor more desolate.

He looked at me for a long time and suddenly said, "does it hurt?"

I didn't know, so I looked at him and said, "Dr. Cheng!"

In the corridor, I was blocked by a broad chest. When I lifted my eyes, I saw Cheng Junyu's eyebrows slightly frowning and looking at me slightly.

But in the end, I didn't even get a look of pity, or even sympathy.

In fact, I knew from the beginning that Lu Xinran would lose this bet, but I still held a glimmer of hope, even if it was just Fu Shenyan's sentence, "does it hurt?" It's enough to keep me going.

I felt like I was pushed to a cliff. My heart ached and I couldn't breathe. I moved out of the ward step by step.

Fu Shenyan followed her long hair with a light look, and didn't seem to blame her.

Lu Xinran hugged him and said with regret and guilt on his small face, "I'm too careless. I scalded sister Shen."

Indifferent voice, can not hear pity and care.

"Come and see you!" Speaking, Fu Shenyan's black eyes looked at me, eyes fell on the back of my hand, slightly frowning, "to deal with it!"

"Oh Fu Shenyan sneered, "I never despise her love..."

I didn't continue to listen to the following words. I wish I knew something in my heart. If I had to listen to others clearly, then I didn't know what to do.

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