When she came to Lu Xinran's ward, she was already asleep. There was a middle-aged woman in the ward. She was the nurse Fu Shenyan was looking for. When she saw me, she said hello, which means that Fu Shenyan asked her to stay here to take care of Lu Xinran. In this case, I didn't stay much.

Out of the hospital, directly took a taxi back to the villa.

When he took off his belt, I pushed him out of bed, pulled the quilt and wrapped him up. Looking at him, I said, "Fu Shenyan, you are drunk."

He had been wearing a suit for a long time, which made him wrinkled. He left his coat at the foot of the bed, and his only white shirt was torn open. Seeing that he began to take off his belt, I suddenly woke up. The child in my stomach can't do this.

He was a little tired and looked at me for a few seconds. Then he vomited out a word, "Hmm!" He tore off the only material I had.

"Fu Shenyan, I'm Shen Shu! You can see clearly I kind of collapsed, holding his face in my hands, trying to make him see me.

He did not speak, directly picked me up, small kisses with wine gas swept, rapid and violent.

Out of instinct, I pressed his hand and frowned, "Fu Shenyan, I'm Shen Shu, not Lu Xinran. You can see clearly."

He looked at me, no longer words, big palm to explore up, I naturally know what he is going to do.

I didn't know what he was talking about for a moment. I wondered, "take back what?"

"Will it be taken back?" He a pair of black eyes fall on me, may be drunk relationship, eyes some blurred.

I was confused by him and looked at him, "Fu Shenyan, what's the matter with you?"

"Hate!" I answered, reaching out to break him, encircling my hand, trying to break free from his embrace, but he held it like iron.

"Don't you hate me?" He coldly out of such a sentence, make me some don't understand, looking at him, see his brow frown, thin lips have fine slag, may be too busy recently, he didn't deal with.

I calmed down and looked back at him. "Did you drink?" I didn't notice it just now. When I got close to him, I found that he was full of wine.

"Fu Shenyan!" Although I don't know why he suddenly like this, I really don't like him full of smoke. After struggling for several times, he didn't let go.

He was sitting on the sofa. When he passed him, he reached out and pulled me into his arms. Then he put his hands around me tightly and was scared.

He didn't speak, just a pair of black eyes fell on me, deep bottomless, I can't understand, the smoke in the room is too strong, I can't breathe, I lifted the quilt out of bed to open the window.

He never smokes. Now he smokes so much in his bedroom. I think he has something to do.

"You're back." I opened my mouth, sat up straight and looked up at him.

I don't know when he came back. The bedroom is full of thick smoke. The doors and windows are closed. There are still burning cigarettes between his slender fingers. I don't know how many cigarettes he smoked, but it should be more than a few.

Hazy, I was awakened by a strong smell of cigarettes. I vaguely saw the dark shadow sitting by the bed. I was startled and sober for a few minutes to see that it was Fu Shenyan.

After tossing all night, it was early morning when I returned to the villa. Maybe because of my pregnancy, I was a little sleepy. When I went back to my bedroom, I was so sleepy that I went straight to bed.

With that, I went straight out of the bedroom.

After changing my clothes, I went out and stayed here. I was afraid that I could not keep the child.

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