"Sleep?" He picked his eyebrows and there was a lot of frost on them.

I didn't react at first, but after a while, I understood what he meant. For a moment, I turned pale and said, "no!"

After changing shoes, sister-in-law Zhang entered. Unless she continued to be busy, I went to Fu Shenyan and sat down. Instead of rushing to talk to him, I waited quietly for him to finish reading the newspaper.

When I missed her, I happened to see the man sitting in the hall reading the newspaper. He was cold and proud and cold.

After driving back to the villa in a hurry and ringing the doorbell several times, I saw sister-in-law Zhang come to open the door while wiping her hands. When she saw me, her mouth cracked and laughed, "she's back!" As she said this, she motioned with her spare light.

Fu Shenyan is really good.

Simply toward him with a smile, "I have to go ahead."

I opened my mouth, but I didn't know what to say for a moment.

"He just left with Joe." Chen Yi opens his mouth and takes out the car key from his briefcase.

"What about Fu Shenyan?" I opened my mouth and went straight to the point.

Chen Yi was stunned when he saw me. He was still polite and distant. "Director Shen, what are you doing?"

I didn't expect that Chen Yi was the last one to drive.

However, I've been waiting for nearly an hour. Most of the cars in the garage have gone. I haven't seen Fu Shenyan come out yet. I thought he was still working overtime in the company.

It's my problem to find his black jeep and I'll stand by and wait for him. It's necessary to talk to him clearly.

After work, I went to the parking lot to wait for Fu Shenyan.

He went back to the office and I went back to work.

"The medicine I gave you, remember to take it when you go back." Cheng Junyu handed me the bag in his hand, looked at Fu Shenyan's office, looked at me and said, "I've heard about the headline. Explain it well."

Fu Shenyan's temper has always been very strange. I've been with him for so many years, and I can't figure out what happened to him this time.

I nodded. It was a fight!

he had a lot of things in his hand. When he saw me coming out of Fu Shenyan's office, he raised his eyebrows and said, "a fight?"

It's not the way to stand still. Simply, I went out of the office and met Cheng Junyu who just got off the elevator.

Seeing this, Chen Yi said to me, "if director Shen is OK, please go back!"

He was speechless and his face became cold.

Ignoring Chen Yi's urging, I looked at Fu Shenyan and said, "when will president Fu have time? Let's talk. "

I look at Fu Shenyan, see his dark eyes low, obviously do not want to say a word with me.

The implication is to let me go.

What else do I want to say? Chen Yi didn't know when to come in. He looked at me politely and said, "director Shen, President Fu has a lot of things to do."

"Director Shen, you should know better than me when and what to do?" He raised his eyes and asked, with anger in his voice.


He didn't seem to have any patience. He raised his hand and pinched his eyebrows. He looked at me and said, "director Shen, Fu's offer of such a high salary to you is not to let you talk to the boss about your personal affairs during working hours!"

"Fu Shenyan, I have at least a chance to explain, right?" It's been a long time since Chen Xing and I didn't respond to the headlines, so it's going to get worse today.

"Oh Deep cold smile from his throat spit out, pick eyebrow look at me, he is more cold, "Shen Shu, do you think I will believe what you say?"

For a long time, Fu Shenyan put down the newspaper. I pushed the juice from sister-in-law Zhang to him and said, "Fu Shenyan, can we have a good chat now?"

He glanced at the juice and didn't touch it. His dark eyes were deep and his voice was low and cold. "What's the identity of Miss Shen talking to me?"

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