See me so, she took out the mobile phone, and then opened the Jiangcheng headlines.

I carefully read the news in the headlines. From the day before yesterday when Chen Xing was driving his flamboyant Maybach to have dinner with me in the downtown area, someone wrote some messy posts out of nothing. The worse they wrote, the worse they got. Finally, they directly wrote me as a slut.

His slender body slightly leaned back, a bit leisurely on the back of the chair, looking at me coldly, picking eyebrows, a bit disdainful way, "director Shen has a job to talk to me?"

"Fu Shenyan, let's talk!" I can explain what happened with Chen Xing, and it is necessary for me to explain it.

"What's the matter?" He opened his mouth, and the coldness in his voice was especially strong.

For a long time, he frowned, stopped the things in his hands, looked up, and saw that it was me. There was a bit of coldness on his low face.

I stood still, silent.

"Put it here first, I'll sign it later!" Maybe it's too focused. He didn't find that the person who came was me. Without raising his eyebrow, he focused on the computer.

I stood in front of Fu Shenyan's desk, did not speak, just quietly looking at him, determined that the man who worked hard was very handsome.

Fu Shenyan's office is very empty, and the sound of keyboard beating is particularly clear.

Dull for a few seconds, I opened the door, had calmed down a few minutes of heartbeat, at this time when close to him, or can't help but accelerate the beat.

"Come in!" The man's voice is low, but it's as good as ever.

The sound of keyboard beating came from the quiet office. I stood at the door and knocked a few times.

Compared with the previous bustle, this time, Fu Shenyan is very cold to the office, and Chen Yi, who used to be in the assistant room, is not here at this time.

After hanging up with Chen Xing, I put my mobile phone aside. After a moment of silence, I got up and went directly to Fu Shenyan's office.

Compared to living, nothing else is a big deal.

I don't know when Shen Yu will come to Jiangcheng. If Fu Shenyan falls out with me because of the scandal, if the hell like life five years ago is staged again, I'm afraid I can't survive.

"Well!" I opened my mouth, a little tired, "don't make any more trouble!"

The other end of the phone was silent for a while and said, "I'll take care of the headlines."

Chen Xing and my headlines are a lot of trouble.

Shen Yu appeared. Except for Fu Shenyan, I don't know who else I can find.

I pinched some swollen eyebrows and said, "there's no time. You can quickly explain the headlines."

"My mother's birthday tomorrow night, come along?" What he said is very relaxed. I think it's no big deal that I have an affair with him.

I, in a bad mood, said, "look!"

"Did you read the headlines?" He spoke in a languid tone.

I took a look at the mobile phone, caller ID is Chen Xing, a first two big, picked up the phone, opening, "what's the matter?"

Mobile phone buzzing up, Han Shuang see I have something to do, holding the document out.

Why is everything packed together.

Want to go to the hotel before Chen Xing answered the phone, my head is more painful.

So, Fu Shenyan changed the lock of the villa and pulled me black, because of these?

After reading the post, I have a headache. No wonder those people in the finance department looked at me with that kind of eyes this morning. It turns out that

Strange and cold.

I pursed my lips and pinched each other with both hands. There was some pain. "Fu Shenyan, I can explain about me and Chen Xing!"

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