After getting off the plane, she and I took a taxi back to Yuntong apartment. When we got home, he locked all the doors and windows and sat in the corner lifelessly.

This state lasted for a long time, she just looked up at me, eyes have been red, "Shen Shu, what should we do?"

I was a little confused by her, and asked, "that Mr. Chen?"

She Leng Leng, some embarrassed way, "director, you and Chen are always serious?"

Looking at her face, I said, "if you have something to say, just say it?"

But the expression was not right. After I signed and sorted out the documents, she was ready to leave.

I had to turn over the documents on my desk and sign all the documents that should be signed. About an hour later, Han Shuang came to see her. She was stunned and said hello to me with a smile.

I wring my eyebrows, don't know what happened, into the office, Han Shuang has not come.

Several directors of the financial department met me and said hello to me with great enthusiasm, but they pointed and whispered behind my back.

I didn't know what happened, so I had to go to the company. I got up early in the morning, and there were few people when I got to the company.

Dialed Fu Shenyan's phone, but the phone has been in the conversation, obviously he pulled me black.

But I opened it several times, but I couldn't open it. Later I found that the lock of the villa had been changed.

But what I didn't expect was that the lock of the villa would be replaced. Fu Shenyan and I recorded fingerprints of the villa in Shanshui residence.

Muzi is not unreasonable. Maybe Fu Shenyan is right and will have a way.

Muzi was in a bad mood. I fell asleep in the morning. I couldn't sleep. I went back to my villa at dawn.

Muzi and I didn't sleep much that night. We were always awakened by nightmares in the middle of the night.

I hold her, heartache, I also think, after this life will not meet him in the sea of people.

Muzi shook his head and bit his lip. After all, he burst into tears and hugged me and said, "how can you tell me to calm down? How can I calm down? Five years, I have forgotten those nightmares. Why should I meet him? Why? "

I hold her, heart blocked hard, "Muzi, we first calm down, calm down and then try to find a way."

The more Muzi said, the more excited he was. He took my hand and was about to go out.

"Find Fu Shenyan!" Muzi suddenly opened his mouth, looked at me and said, "Shen Shu, you go to find Fu Shenyan. Among people like him, dragon and Phoenix must have the ability to protect you. You still have his children in your stomach. If you tell him about it, he will try to keep Shen Yu away from you."

Shen Yu will not let us go when he comes back this time. In those years, Muzi and I worked hard to save ourselves. If the same thing happened again, I'm afraid I don't have the courage to save myself again.

I look at her, I don't know what to do!

"He may not know that we are in Jiangcheng, maybe we just need to stay in Jiangcheng." She opened her mouth, then shook her head fiercely, tears fell down again, "how can he escape? He is an it expert, if you want to find us, it's easy!"

I shook my head, fear has not been eliminated, holding some of their own do not know how to do.

"Chen Xing The gossip on her face has not yet returned. She looked at me and said, "your news has been out for several days. Last night, someone revealed that you were staying in a hotel in city A. However, director, you are not just having a miscarriage, and it seems that you and President Fu are not divorced completely! Why... "

I heard a face confused, inexplicable way, "what happened these days?"

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