Chen Xing didn't seem to like other people's mentioning, and his face was a little more gloomy. "That's her daughter, and it has nothing to do with me!"

Seeing him like this, I don't ask much. Seeing a puff shop under the building of Gemini, I suddenly wanted to eat.

Muzi pulled me out, Chen Xing pulled me, so he said, "what's the situation?"

Chen Xing didn't know why we were like this. He frowned deeply and asked what happened.

Muzi was also paralyzed in a chair, and her eyes were a little dazed. After a long time, she dragged me and said, "go, go back to Jiangcheng now!"

"Shen Yu, I see him!" I spoke with a tremor in my voice.

Seeing that I was nervous, Muzi was flustered. He looked at me and said, "what's the matter?"

I run away from Shen Yu. I find Chen Xing and Muzi and pass the incomplete puff to Muzi. My voice trembles and says, "Muzi, we need to go back to Jiangcheng as soon as possible. Now, we have to go back right away!"

But I didn't expect that I would meet him in a city, under the same circumstances.

I thought that the world was so big that as long as he left Jiangcheng, we would never see each other again.

Shen Yu said, in this life, he will not take the initiative to find me, unless it is fate for us to meet again, once met, it is the beginning of the next plot.

Having said that, I didn't go to see this. I haven't seen anyone for five years. I can even describe myself by running away.

For a long time, I breathed gently, leveled my breath, and stepped back abruptly, suppressing the fear of my body. My voice trembled and said, "I'm sorry, you've recognized the wrong person!"

The man behind me raised his hand to take it, then naturally pulled me up and put the puff in my hand. His voice was gentle but cold to cruelty. "Xiaoshu, your reaction made my brother very dissatisfied."

I stiff body, breathing began to shortness, watching the boss will do a good job of puff handed me, but I have no strength.

Behind him, the man's voice is low, with a strong cold, "Xiao Shu, long time no see!"

The top of the sun is scorching, but my body began to fall into the ice, breathing also began to unnaturally not smooth up, hands began to tremble.

I always have some instinctive reactions under certain circumstances, such as the fear of Shen Yu. I don't know when it started, but as long as I feel his breath, even thousands of miles away, the primitive fear of the body will climb up on my body.

I thought I was still dreaming!

If it wasn't for the boss's response, "OK, just a moment!"

"Boss, two ice puffs!" Suddenly there is a deep voice in my ear, familiar and strange, like a long time ago memory.

A few puffs, I can not help but initiated a stay, a lot of childhood memories are no longer, but I only remember that they like to eat sweet, with a little ice sweet.

After that, I went straight to the puff shop. Muzi likes to eat, and I like to eat too. We are very similar to each other to a certain extent.

Looking at Chen Xingdao, "you go to the mall and wait for Cheng Junyu and Muzi. I'll go shopping."

"No ink, go back and explain!" Muzi broke off his hand and took me out of the mall. Then he took a taxi and went straight to the hotel. After packing, we went straight to the airport.

During the three hours from a city to Jiangcheng, Muzi and I held each other's hands tightly on the plane, and no one spoke, but we all knew that we were out of proportion.

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