I didn't see it at first, but seeing that he didn't look well, I looked at it.

Seeing that the restaurant is near the window, Fu Shenyan is dressed in a casual suit and cuts his steak gracefully. The one sitting opposite him is not Lu Xinran, but a girl I met on both sides, who is not familiar with, but can recognize it.

He was a little speechless and gave me a white look. "Are you an idiot? Mo Zhicheng wants to cultivate his daughter. Lu Xinran loves your man. If you are near water, you will get the moon first. Do you know that? "

I am said by him some muddle, Leng Leng way, "what meaning?"

"The branch has been in Beijing for so many years, and its development is obviously not as good as Jiangcheng. Fu Shenyan is not a fool. He is going to move Fu's headquarters to Beijing. What he is considering is not the company, but the people!"

He looked at me a little like an idiot and said, "do you really don't know, or do you fake it? Fu has almost monopolized half of the economic lifeline of Jiangcheng. It is estimated that Fu has much more advantages in Jiangcheng than in Beijing, not to mention that he originally had a branch in Beijing. "

"That's good!" Seeing his melancholy, I couldn't help saying, "the capital is originally an international center. If we move to the capital, we can make better progress in the future."

He was not surprised. He looked at me and said, "it's not strange. It's strange that my mother is going to move Chen to the capital."

I nodded. "I know that!"

Can't talk gossip, he some boring way, "it's about the capital, Fu Shenyan seems to want to move Fu to the capital."

Shallow drink a mouthful of boiled water, I look at him, straight to the theme, "what do you want to talk to me?"

Looking for a place to sit down, Chen Xing ordered, clutching his chin and looking at me, he said, "don't you worry about walking a Lu Xinran and coming a certain Xinran?"

With that, I hung up and went to the Korean barbecue shop around the corner with Chen Xing.

Seeing him shaking his glass leisurely, I said to the phone, "see you in the evening!"

"It's not convenient!" Since he wanted me to go over, at least he explained that he and Lu Ke were also talking about things, so it was not convenient for me and Chen Xing to appear.

Voice with a bit of thin cool, "is you inconvenient, or I inconvenient?"

See his black eyes slightly narrowed, the fork in the hand down, the body languidly lean behind, slanting head staring at me and Chen Xing.

Each has something to talk about. It's really inconvenient for me to understand.

"It's not convenient for me to be with my friends!"

Pick up the phone, is his clear voice, "come in to eat!"

I raised my eyes and looked at the restaurant. I saw that his black eyes had already looked in my direction.

It's Fu Shenyan!

At this time, the mobile phone rings.

Looking around, I saw a Korean barbecue shop around the corner, and I said, "go there!"

"Er ER!" He said in mute, "all right!"

Some of my brain circuits are not clear. I look at him and say, "what do you ask?"

Chen Xing nodded, but after a pause, he looked at me and said, "I see that the relationship between the two people is not very general. Don't you want to ask?"

"Let's change!" It's not avoidance, it's just some embarrassment. No matter what kind of situation, I suddenly appear, it's not very good.

Secretary and President?

These two are coming for steak?

Dean Lu's niece, Lu Ke!

I nodded, but not so excited, "if Fu Shenyan really has such a plan, I can't change anything by myself!"

"You want to change the wool! What you have to do now is to protect yourself and try to find a way to get the best interests for yourself before you leave Fu Shenyan. Mo Zhicheng is a big chess player! "

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