I was a little confused by what he said. When the waiter brought up the dishes, I began to barbecue seriously. I haven't come out for dinner for a long time.

I'm a little greedy.

Yu Guang fell on Fu Shenyan and saw that his handsome face was a little light, even with a smile, "so, do you like pregnant women?"

I can't help but be stunned. My drinking hand falters. Is this product challenging Fu Shenyan's bottom line?

Chen Xing basically has no good words in his mouth, and I didn't expect him to spit out good words, but surprisingly, he would say directly, "that girl just now, I think it's smaller than President Fu! Mr. Fu prefers tender ones recently? "

Light looked at him one eye, Fu Shenyan mouth, "OK!"

"It's already ordered!" Chen Xing took a look at him and said, "Mr. Fu is very busy in business all day long!"

"Full!" I'm really full. I ate most of it just now.

He naturally sat on my side with his long arm behind me. He looked at the food on the table and said, "what else would you like to eat?"

About two minutes later, Fu Shenyan came.

I nodded, for a while Fu Shenyan to come, always not to sit by to see is not.

The meat on the table was basically finished. Chen Xing saw that I ate more and said with a smile, "would you like me to order more?"

"Just come around the corner from you!" Then I hung up.

Shit! I'm a little irritable. How can this person be so annoying.

"Do you want me to broadcast in the mall?"

I really don't want to see him. I said with a pause, "we're going to have a good meal. We'll go back soon!"

"Give me the address."

"Barbecue shop!"

"Where is it?"

I don't want to answer it, but I thought about it several times. Chen Xing was noisy again, and I answered.

One side of the mobile phone rang up, is Fu Shenyan.

He laughed like a tomato, eating and saying, "Shen Shu, I'm serious, you kids have to recognize me as godfather in the future!"

Gave him a few pieces of meat, I really have nothing to say, simply said, "eat more!" Doodle!

I haven't drunk yet! I'm drunk!

On hearing this, he laughed, squinted and said, "good! Let him recognize me as a godfather in the future, and I will give him all my property! "

I think he's a bit of a pussy, put down his chopsticks and said, "if he can't live in the future, he can take refuge in you!"

After a while, he looked at my stomach and said, "this stomach is so big, don't you plan for this child?"

Seeing that he said nothing to me for a long time, he was speechless and vomited a few words, "I'm just playing the piano to a cow!"

If Fu Shenyan wants to get a divorce now, I'll sign it. Except for life and death, everything else is a small matter.

How can you count me? I have nothing but one life.

I put the roasted meat on his plate and said, "it's still early in the future. Let's eat first."

"Shen Shu, do you understand what I mean?" Chen Xing looked like a little eunuch, "you have to plan for yourself earlier now. Don't wait until one day you are calculated by this group of people to have nothing left!"

"Poof!" I didn't finish a mouthful of water. I couldn't help spouting it out.

Fu Shenyan glanced at me and elegantly pulled a few paper towels to wipe them for me. I was a little uneasy, so I took the paper towel and wiped it myself.

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