He looked at me, a pair of handsome eyebrows slightly frown, dark as night eyes staring at me, as if to spy on the truth of my words.

I also calm, quietly sitting with a smile, let him look.

Back to the villa, I saw that the hall was dark. I changed my shoes. I reached out to turn on the light and saw the man sitting in the hall.

For a long time, I signed.

Looking at these, I want to laugh. Maybe from the beginning, Fu Shenyan thought that I came for these things. As long as I gave everything I wanted, I had no reason not to sign.

For divorce property, Fu Shenyan has always been generous, this villa and Fu's annual dividend, he promised to me.

I had a bad feeling in my heart. I thought that unless Fu Shenyan forced me to sign on my neck with a knife rest one day, I would take the initiative to find him with this divorce agreement.

Ten minutes' journey, I stopped my car at the bottom of the villa. Instead of getting off, I took out the divorce agreement Han Shuang gave me.

I started the car and saw him in a daze beside his car. I didn't say much. After saying hello, I drove directly back to the villa.

He frowned and gave up his opinion.

"I don't know!" I shook my head. "I'm not going to tell him either!"

He gave a hum, looked at me and said, "does Fu Shenyan know?"

Now that the decision has been made, it is natural to make a quick decision.

Looking back at him, I nodded and said, "tomorrow!"

It's getting late, so I should go back. When I got to the car, he suddenly said, "is the operation scheduled?"

I Leng Leng, smile, but do not know how to answer him.

At the end of the day, he said, "I hope we can have the next meal together in Jingcheng."

After dinner, it was originally my treat, but I didn't expect that he had settled the bill ahead of time. I went out of the restaurant with him. I looked at him and said, "I owe you this meal, please next time!"

That's a good idea. I nodded, "think about it!" Although Jingcheng is not as prosperous as Jiangcheng, its pace of life is slow. If you want to choose a city for the rest of your life, it is an ideal city.

"Go to Jingcheng. It's suitable for life there." He opened his mouth, may have eaten well, put down his chopsticks, took out a paper towel and gracefully wiped his mouth.

Putting down my chopsticks, I said, "maybe in these two months, but I'm not sure which city to go to."

I was surprised that he even guessed my last step.

I was slightly stunned and looked up at him. I was a little shocked. I just wanted to deal with my child's affairs and divorce Fu Shenyan. As for leaving Jiangcheng, I'm not sure which city is more suitable for me.

He took a few mouthfuls of food, seemed very satisfied, looked at me and said, "when are you going to leave?"

I laughed and said, "I'm flattered. It's just a way to protect our lives. Besides, Fu Shenyan and I are not suitable at all. This child is not coming at the right time."

When the waiter served, he glanced at me and said, "Miss Shen's intelligence has always been so quiet?"

"Thank you, Dr. Cheng!" When dealing with smart people, you don't need to say too much. You just need one look to understand.

For a long time, he said, "yes!"

I was startled to see his dark eyes staring at me. I couldn't spy out any emotion. I couldn't grasp it for a moment.

He looked at him and said, "why don't you turn on the light? Have you had dinner yet? "

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