Fu Shenyan answered the wrong question, "where have you been?" This question was cold and indifferent, but with a hint of displeasure.

"I went to the company." Then I went into the kitchen and said, "I'll cook something for you."

"You think you're smart?" He sneered. His strong fingers pinched my jaw. I felt pain and wanted to get rid of it. Instead, he strengthened his strength. They were very close to each other, and their breath was equal. "Your stomach is the seed of Fu Shenyan, and you are not qualified to make a decision about his going or staying."

Fu Shenyan's eyes suddenly became a little deep, like a thin layer of frost.

"What else?" Looking at him, my tears that I had endured for a long time still flowed down, "what else can I do? Fu Shenyan, don't you always want me to agree to divorce you, far away from you? What's wrong with me doing this now? "

"Shen Shu!" His anger reached its climax, and I felt numb with the pain of his hand. "What do you want to do? Divorce me? And knock it out? And walk away? "

Knowing that he was angry, I didn't look back and said, "I'll deal with it well. I won't let the children's affairs affect Dao Lu Xinran."

The wrist fiercely is grabbed, "explain?" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth, and his voice suppressed his anger, as if it was burning at all.

Instead of looking at Fu Shenyan's angry face, I turned and went upstairs. This may be the last time we have such a dialogue in this villa.

When people make certain decisions, they always have to bear the corresponding consequences.

I breathed out what I said in my heart. I breathed a sigh and pressed down the bitterness in my heart. Looking at this handsome and cold face, I said, "don't worry about the child. I will give you and Lu Xinran a satisfactory explanation."

"Fu Shenyan, I agree to divorce." I took out the divorce agreement that I had signed in my bag and put it in front of him. I said bitterly, "I have already signed it. Take a look. Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and get the divorce certificate."

I was stunned. For a moment, my heart hurt a little. If I was usually silent, I didn't know why I suddenly turned red. I looked at him and said, "even if we can't make do with it, haven't we made do with it for two years?"

I had planned to go upstairs to wash, cold he opened, "marriage can also make do with?"

He didn't speak. I automatically understood that he didn't want to talk to me. He simply shut up quietly, cooked noodles for him, put them on the table, looked at him and said, "there are no materials at home, only eggs. You can make do with them!"

"Why What's the matter? " Usually he looks at me, either cold or disgusted. Today's eyes are too complicated. I don't know how to deal with them. I can't help but panic.

Cooked noodles, Leng buting aware of the back cold, I can't help looking back, lengbuting hit Fu Shenyan's black eyes, cold indifference.

But after all, the people who have been in the heart for a long time, even if they want to leave, should not force each other to tear their hearts apart and leave some good things behind.

Today in the hospital, Lu Xinran became so upset that he probably didn't eat anything. Thinking of this, I don't feel that I'm meddling in my own business. I'm going to leave people, and I don't care whether they are hungry or not.

"I'm not qualified?" I smile, looking at him word by word, "Lu Xinran qualified?"

He narrowed his black eyes slightly, and a bloodthirsty cold came, "Shen Shu, you are looking for death!"

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