Picture and harmony!

The woman who wants nothing is terrible!

Fu Shenyan ordered a dish, looking at frost hit the same me, not from frown, "body uncomfortable?"

The Midsummer in Jiangcheng is like a big stove. It's so hot that people are scared. There are few people in the streets and there are few people in the restaurants.

In the afternoon.


I nodded, "I know!"

He helped the forehead, some speechless, cleaned up the papers on the table, walked to me and said, "Xinran has gone to the capital."

I lean on the sofa, a little boring, "without fox secretary, then I think about soft Princess again!"

Seeing that Chen Yi had left, Fu Shenyan looked at me and asked, "is there any more story to tell me?"

Obviously, Fu Shenyan didn't want him to say more. After Chen Yi talked to Fu Shenyan, he naturally knew. After a pause, he nodded and left.

Interrupted by Fu Shenyan, "you'll book a restaurant later, close to the company."

"But..." What else does Chen Yi want to say.

Fu Shenyan laughed and said, "take over Lu Ke's work! Arrange for her to go to the strict side, and there will be no female secretary here. "

I was watching the play. Seeing Chen Yi looking at me, I shrugged, "it's none of my business!"

Fu Shenyan picks his eyebrows and says nothing.

Chen Yi looked at the past and was stunned, wondering, "is Mr. Fu dissatisfied with Lu Ke's position?"

"You designed that position?" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth and looked at the office area outside the office in dark.

Fu Shenyan nodded and looked at Chen Yi with a very strange look. Chen Yi was stunned. He didn't know, so he said, "Mr. Fu, what's the matter?"

"According to the latest information of Mr. Fu and Huayao, they seem to have drawn up a purchase agreement with a's anda technology company, which will be signed about next week!" Chen Yi put the documents in his hand in front of Fu Shenyan and began to report his work.

Chen Yi finished delivering things and knocked a few times outside the door. Fu Shenyan's smile was still on his face and said, "come in!"

I nodded, sat up from his side, went to the sofa to sit down, and said, "a handsome and affectionate, a beautiful young man, can be described as a talented woman."

The smile in the corner of his mouth became stronger. "So I'm Mr. overbearing wolf?"

I raised my hand, fingertip fell on the office area outside his office, pick eyebrow to look at him, "Fox secretary, see?"

He chuckled, "what do you think?"

I took back my eyes, looked at the files on his computer, leaned slightly on his heart and said, "I'm filling in a story about fox secretary and Mr. overbearing wolf."

"What do you think?" The hand was held by him.

Good location.

"Go and see Dr. Cheng!" Fu Shenyan's office is very big. The corner outside is Lu Ke's office area. Lu Ke only needs to look up to see Fu Shenyan working.

Fu Shenyan put down his hand, pulled me to his side and said, "where did you go just now?"

Seeing me, Lu Ke just smiles and then goes out.

Thinking too much, I felt that my brain hurt a little. I pinched my eyebrows and entered the office. I went directly to Fu Shenyan.

If one day Fu Shenyan's object of interest is Lu Ke

Brain suddenly think of this, I can't help frowning, Lu Xinran and Lu can be two completely different women.

I nodded, "thief fever!"

Half squinting at him, I split my mouth and said with a smile, "Fu Shenyan, the weather is so hot, I can actually eat something iced, right?"

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