These days in the villa, he is strict, I basically did not touch any cold drink, greedy heart.

"The air conditioner is on here. I'll order some juice for you. I'll have a drink later." Then he motioned to the waiter to adjust the air.

I'm a little displeased. Fu Shenyan's mobile phone is never touched. Even in meetings, he will bring it with him. At most, it's muted. How

"Hello, Miss Shen. I'm Lu Ke. Mr. Fu is in a meeting now. If you have anything to tell me, I'll tell you later."

I pause, voice shallow, "I am Shen Shu, please let Fu Shenyan answer the phone."

"Hello This voice is obviously not Fu Shenyan's, it's a girl's voice.

It took a long time for someone to answer the phone!

I nodded. For a moment, I didn't know Fu Shenyan's size. I took out my mobile phone and dialed Fu Shenyan.

Seeing that I chose two sets, the waiter was surprised and confirmed, "are you sure it's two sets, madam?"

I nodded and looked along. I chose two suits, one gray suit and the other precious blue suit. Although they are not as good as those customized suits at home, they are high-end brands with good materials and design.

"Hello, ma'am. Is it for your husband?" The waiter was very friendly.

I went into a men's shop.

Simply strolled along the street, downtown commercial street, are some luxury decoration brand shop, think of Fu Shenyan suit is basically all black.

As soon as Chen Yi left, I felt relieved. It's quite far from the villa. I wanted to go back to the company to drive, but I still wanted to go around.

After thinking about it, Chen Yi nodded and said, "be careful!"

There should be a lot of recent events in the company.

When Chen Yi came to the restaurant, I saw him waiting for me outside the restaurant with his car. I said, "Chen tezhu, if you have something to do, go and do it! I just ate too much and wanted to walk! "

I nodded and leaned back on the chair, indicating that he was busy!

He chuckled, "Chen Yi will come to see you back later. I'll go back to the company for a meeting. Don't run around. Go home and have a good rest."

I shake my head, feel some uncomfortable stomach, "eat again, I really will vomit!"

It should be about the company. When he hung up, he looked at me and said, "is there anything else you want to eat?"

After a meal, I feel like a pig. Fu Shenyan made me eat a lot. If it wasn't for his phone, I would have to eat and vomit.

As for the others, you can ignore them all!

Three meals a day, he has children, the day is like this, occasionally noisy, occasionally laughing, there is no bad.

I am speechless, looking at the rare crowd outside the window, I suddenly feel that it will be very good in the future.

He picked his eyebrows and pushed the juice from the waiter to me, with a smile on his eyebrows. "Who would keep such a disobedient pet?"

I don't speak, lying on the table, no strength, like a child, looking at Fu Shenyan aggrieved Baba said, "Fu Shenyan, am I especially like your pet?"

But the man was held down by him and sat down on the chair, "after dinner, Chen Yi sent you back!"

I clubbed my chin, glared at him, no good airway, "I don't eat, go back first!"

"It's OK. Just ask him to call me back later." Then I hung up.

The waiter looked at me and said, "what size do you want, madam?"

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