Fu Shenyan breathed a sigh of relief, and I, too, bent my lips at the moment of sight collision.

"Well, now that the matter is settled, I'll take the people back. Both of you are recovering from serious illness. After staying up all night, go upstairs and have a rest."

Shen Yu said, ready to leave alone.

Fu Shenyan reached for his arm and said indifferently, "Chen Yi will deal with it. In the afternoon, sang Yun and the children will arrive. Are you going to take this look to see them?"

"Sang Yun?" Shen Yumeng said, "what do you mean?"

Fu Shenyan let go and walked over to me, saying, "I mean, two days ago I had arranged a private plane to m country, sang Yun and the children were already on the way."

I don't know when he arranged these. His expression is the same as Shen Yu's, "are you ready already?"

Fu Shenyan stood still, put his hand around my shoulder, and said with a smile, "since it's a family reunion, it's no good without any of them. What's more, the elder brother-in-law can't see his wife and children. He's insecure and easy to get angry. For the sake of family harmony, it's necessary to prepare for a rainy day."

Shen Yu's eyes narrowed slightly and raised one eyebrow. "How can I listen to this like complaining?"

Fu Shenyan shook his shoulder in a good mood and threw the topic to me, "wife, am I doing wrong?"

"Hum..." what can I say? On the one hand, Shen Yu's sharp eyes, on the other hand, Fu Shenyan's small expression of false grievance. Anyone who chooses is guilty.

Looking left and right, I simply dropped my shoulder, broke away from Fu Shenyan's arms, yawned and walked upstairs. "I'm sleepy. I'll wake up and say goodbye to you two. I'll have a good sleep. Don't disturb anyone!"

Behind him, Fu Shenyan had a way to learn from others, and said, "you heard my brother-in-law, Xiao Shu said, children, please, I'll go up with Xiao Shu first, otherwise she can't sleep soundly."

"Hey - you two! Play with me Shen Yu had a hard time. When he got to the stairway, Fu Shenyan simply took three steps at a time. In the blink of an eye, he disappeared at the entrance of the stairway. He could only shout at the top of his voice, "it's unfair that the president of my company is the head of the family. He works as a nanny for you!"

In response, there were only empty stairs.

Although it is the weekend, but the children's biological clock is very accurate, no accident, Shen Yu can sleep for three hours, have to get up with the baby!

When people are envious and tired, sleeping near the pillow will instantly erode the whole body. As soon as I lie down, my consciousness begins to blur. I vaguely feel Fu Shenyan lying down beside me, but I'm so sleepy that I don't have the strength to respond. I just murmur that I'm not sober, "there won't be any more accidents in the future, right?"

"No more." Fu Shenyan hugged me and buried his head in my neck. His warm breath hit my ear. "Sleep, uncle. They have arranged a rest nearby. I'll wake you up when they come back."

It's like a tranquilizer. I feel Fu Shenyan's familiar body temperature and taste. The next second I fall asleep.


It was afternoon when I woke up. It was quiet in my bedroom. It seemed that I was the only one left at home

Thinking that Fu Shenyan was going to deal with Murong Nanchuan, he was ready to go downstairs and call to inquire about the situation.

When I got to the living room, I found that Fu Shenyan and the children were all on the sofa, but there was no sound at all.

Fu Shenyan holding tablet, should be dealing with business, Zhian in online class, but with headphones, four seasons holding a thick book, don't know what content, even Anxin are honestly lying on the table copying Chinese characters.

There's something wrong with this scene.

Fu Shenyan first found me, put down the tablet, got up, walked to me, stole a kiss on the forehead, "wake up."

"Well." I nodded. "Who are you?"

Anxin heard my voice, immediately jumped up to complain, "Mommy, you finally wake up, daddy bad, don't let Anxin talk!"

Four seasons immediately teased her, reached out to scratch her creak nest, "it's not that you are too noisy, wake up your father, but also want to wake up your mother, little monkey."

Anxin was tickled by her and giggled. She managed to hide to one side. Her mouth was still unconvinced, "where is it! My uncle said

Speaking of one side, it seems to be aware of betraying my uncle, but also self-care pursed tight mouth, did not speak.

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