In the end is a child, hide emotions are so obvious, want to pretend to be cheated have no way.

"How long did you sleep?" I asked Fu Shenyan.

Fu Shenyan still speak, four seasons first step open mouth, "Dad woke up in the morning, also looking at Anxin wash."

In this case, didn't you do Shen Yu's work and sleep for less than three hours?

I feel a little distressed, just at this time, Shen Yu came in from the outside, four eyes opposite, each other '.

Shen Yu felt guilty and went directly to the other side of the living room. He said to himself, "it's not my fault. Who let Anxin be born to this guy? As soon as he woke up, he ran to your room. I couldn't stop him!"

I chuckled, "so you went to sleep by yourself and let Fu Shenyan look after the children alone?"

"Who's to blame for your own baby?" Shen Yu shrugged his shoulders. He could not deny it. It seemed that he was ready to carry the scoundrel to the end.

I have no choice but to let Fu Shenyan go upstairs to have a rest. "You can go to sleep again. I haven't had a good sleep these days."

Although the day before was because

In any case, it is no longer a teenager. Rest is a top priority.

Fu Shenyan laughs, "I'm used to sleeping for three or four hours for so many years. Don't worry."

All of a sudden, he was very unhappy. These years, he was regarded as the money maker of Murong family. Fu Shenyan has never been more difficult than ordinary people.

The coming days would be long. What I could do was to take a break and solve the trouble ahead. When I would sleep and sleep, has the final say.

After all, I was still amused by his thoughtfulness, "this is what you said."

Fu Shenyan chuckles, "borrow me two courage, also dare not in front of the elder brother-in-law and children's face, cheat wife adults."

"Why, I can't see it." Shen Yu gave us a funny beating, which made several children couldn't help laughing at us.

Looking at the children's expression, I want to cry without tears, there is such a good uncle, these children do not know what they will look like, it is really worrying!

After a moment's silence, Shen Yu began to send several children, "OK, I've been bullied by your fascist father all morning. I don't have to do my homework. Let's go to the garden."

"Ouye! Long live uncle

Anxin a listen to fried pot, pull the safety to the side door, four seasons smile, this just follow up.

At the age of six or seven, we are the most naughty and bold. We are afraid of accidents. Fortunately, there are four seasons, which saves us a lot of worries.

As soon as they left, Shen Yu's expression immediately became serious. "Our people in Murong's family have already joined hands. Now Murong Nanchuan couple are locked up in the basement, and there are still Murong Jin brothers and sisters left. What do you plan for?"

Fu Shenyan's pain in this life is caused by Murong and Nanchuan. It's time for them to be punished.

But Murong Jin and Murong Tianjiao, in the final analysis, are just the products of the abnormal education of the Murong family. They have no deep hatred and resentment against us, and have not yet reached the point of killing.

Fu Shenyan did not answer directly, but helped me to go out, "make a settlement first."

I knew the heaviness of this sentence. I was supported by him in silence and didn't say a word.

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