In addition, Fu Shenyan, who just took over Fu's business, vigorously expanded new projects in other fields, which caused a lot of trouble. Later, many students in Jiangcheng University posted some posts on the forum praising the vision and talent of the new ruler.

However, Jon had nothing to do. He wrote a post on the forum to analyze Fu's decline in Fu Shenyan's hands, and listed ten reasons.

Looking back at Jon, I couldn't help wondering, "do you know him?"

It's the same as last time!

Inevitably curious, I looked back in the past, is indeed an acquaintance, is Chen Xing, he is also with a little girl.

"Can you talk?" Jon looked at the door and said, "I saw an acquaintance."

The wood son looked at him one eye, light way, "monkey saw similar?"

"Eh!" After dinner, Jon suddenly looked at the door with a puzzled look on his face.

These two people have been quarreling since they knew each other. This may be the way some people in the world get along with each other. After all, there are all kinds of situations in the world.

They looked at each other and stopped talking.

"OK!" I opened a mouth, "you two happy enemy, eat a meal all want to quarrel."

"Tut!" Jon was not happy. "I said I haven't seen you for years. Why don't you speak more and more?"

Muzi turned his mouth and said, "don't be narcissistic, just like walking a monkey. So many people are watching. It's troublesome!"

As he got to his seat, Jon elbowed me, looked at the wood and said, "do you hear me? Don't be ashamed to take me out


"What a pity!"

"It's possible! Sure enough, good men have their own names. "

"I don't know, it's either a star or a model, but the women around him have big stomachs, so they are not married!"

A girl whispered, "why is this man so beautiful? Is it a star? "

It's a good-looking product. After taking off the sunglasses, it looks like a big star in this restaurant.

Jon laughed a little blatantly, "baby, this is it!" His sentence attracted the attention of many people.

After parking, I went into the restaurant with him. Muzi came ahead of time and found a good position. When he saw us, he waved excitedly, "this, this!"

It wasn't long before we got to the restaurant downstairs.

It's not very good.

"Shit He was a little grumpy. "I said you were married once. How could you make yourself so embarrassed? There's nothing good about your rich wife. "

is after all a cure, and I have nothing to hide. "Fu Shenyan's feelings for Lu Xin Ran myself for a while. I don't know who will be there. If I do what I want to do, I'm afraid I'll just ask for a secret investigation."

Along the way, he simply told him about the past few years, he slightly frowned, "why don't you tell Fu Shenyan about your kidnapping? It's easier for him to investigate than for you to do it yourself. "

"Stop!" He said, shaking his head. "I want to live a few more years. I'll do it myself."

I laugh, "there are free rooms at home, if you don't like to stay in a hotel, you can also stay in my home!"

He was powerless and paralyzed on the co pilot's seat, and said, "evil fate! I can't hide it

After all, it was slander. Later, the Fu family went to Jon privately. I don't know what happened, but in the end, Jon wrote a letter of apology.

This post has not been posted on the headlines by Jiangcheng reporter.

He nodded, "more than knowing! I almost... "

Later, he didn't say anything. He just looked at the girl beside Chen Xing and said, "how can this girl follow him like a tail?"

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