"It's none of your business for others to fall in love. Can't you have a good meal?" The wood put a lump of meat in his bowl.

Jon looked back and said, "I don't eat meat!"

Muzi was bored and didn't care about him. He simply closed his eyes and went to sleep. I listened quietly. He looked at me and said, "the most obvious state in the early stage of depression is low mood. I don't sleep when I should sleep, I don't sleep when I shouldn't sleep, I'm not in a high mood, and I can't get excited when I do anything..."

Turn on the navigation and Jon drives. Along the way, Jon turns on the broken mind mode.

It's true that there will be no money in the University. In order to save money, we usually sleep in the same room when we travel on holidays. After being together for a long time, we don't treat Jon as a man.

Muzi shrugged and didn't feel anything.

"Go to what cafe, which cafe is open in the middle of the night, go to the hotel!" Jon opened his mouth and pulled me and Muzi into the car. He said, "we've all slept in the same bed, and we're ashamed of ourselves!"

I nodded, threw my cell phone into my pocket, and said, "bar and KTV are not suitable to go. The smell of tobacco and wine is too strong. Go to the coffee shop!"

Muzi was stunned, but looked at me, "would you like to have a chat with me?"

Jon said, "who stipulates that pregnant women can't play and don't drink? Besides, I've come all the time. Some problems always need to be talked about. If she doesn't talk about those things in her heart, do you want her to suppress her baby?"

Muzi speechless, "you're a big man, grinning and chirping. Shen Shu has a big stomach! How do you accompany hi Pi? "

Out of the restaurant, it's getting dark, and my cell phone is running out of power. Jon pulls me, and some dolls say, "please, two of you, just play with me, and then go home!"

"Damn it Jon exclaimed, "you're the one who talks, but you're the one with the brain."

Seeing this, Muzi breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Jon and said, "it's a pity that I'm not an editor because I have such a good brain."

Muzi didn't want to be known!

Drawing the eyes of the table next door, I motioned him to keep his voice down and said, "I'm pregnant, that is, she's pregnant. They're all pregnant. You know we're similar to conjoined sisters. Don't think about it!"

Jon was a little excited, so his voice was a little louder.

"Damn it! Two pregnant women? Li Muzi, why do you have a baby in your stomach? Where's the father of the child? "

Muzi said nothing, "Hi, what? Do you see that we are both pregnant? Holding two pregnant women with you... "

After dinner, Jon tugged at Muzi and me and said, "you two have to go with me at night! I'll come back with difficulty. You won't leave me in the hotel, will you

I looked back at Chen Xing and saw that he had taken the little girl to a seat. We were so far apart that we could hardly see her.

These two are just boring.

Jon was said by him almost did not jump up to scold, forbearance just way, "do not eat meat on the bend? Are all the monks in that temple curved? "

"Like a woman, Jon, you can't bend, can you?" Muzi is idle. He likes to stimulate people when he has nothing to do.

I listened, a little irritable, then changed the topic and said, "are you stable in M country? Are you going to develop there for a long time in the future? "

"Of course not!" At the intersection of traffic lights, he held the steering wheel and said, "I've finished my psychology, and I'm ready to go back to Beijing, open a clinic, and live my life."

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