Lu Xinran said that Fu Shenyan was lonely when he was a child. No matter how much he loved him, his grandfather couldn't satisfy his inner vacancy.

Lu Yan's brotherhood and Lu Xinran's dependence and fetters are all what he wants.

"Mobile city! My cell phone is broken. "

"Where to?"

I pursed my lips, changed the topic, looked at Jon and said, "Jon, we'll go to see the woods later. You'll accompany me to a place first!"

"By the way!" Chen Xing opened his mouth, tilted his head on the chair, looked at me and said, "what happened to you? Big belly still squatting on the side of the road howling

When I took the tissue, I lowered my eyes and wiped my face. I was conscious. When I saw another person on the co pilot, I was stunned and said, "why is Mr. Chen here?"

He pulled a few wet paper towels to me, "come and look at the wood, you can see that you are self abusing on the side of the road, wipe your face!"

Surrounded by the cool air in the car, I regained my consciousness and was stunned, "how can you be here?"

"What happened? You will get heatstroke if you are exposed to the sun like this He raised me from the ground in a loud voice and got into the car with me in his arms.

The sun made me feel dizzy. Looking at Jon who didn't know when he appeared in front of me, I thought it was an illusion and said, "Jon, my heart is blocked."

Uncontrollable tears tilt, is too fragile, this is not a big deal, I do not know why I have such a serious reaction.

The sun is in the sky, but I'm as cold as ice. I can't walk without a few steps. I sit on the side of the road and put my head between my legs.

I had a bumpy walk along the green belt.

I tried to touch my cell phone to call Jon, but later I found that I left my cell phone in the pool last night.

Watching his car go away, I looked at it from a distance. My head was a little dizzy, and my heart was as painful as being torn.

When I got out of the car, I still had a smile on my face. I was very gentle and waved goodbye to them. Everything seemed so normal.

I was relieved to hear what he said.

He pursed his lips and was silent for a moment. His black eyes fell on me

Aware of my unstable mood, I pressed my airway and said, "just put me here. It's close to the hospital. I can't get lost. You go to see Miss Lu off first. After seeing her off, you Come again


"I'll go with you later!"

I pulled to wipe seemingly soft smile, "I want to walk, Muzi want to eat Qingmang, I turn around, will give her!"

Fu Shenyan frowned and looked at me, "where are you going?"

Traffic light intersection, I took the lead to open the mouth, a very flat voice, "put me in front of the intersection, I will go back!"

From the cemetery to the city, we were all silent. Except for Lu Xinran's sobs, everything in the car was as quiet as a mute tape.

Looking at Fu Shenyan pulling him up, looking at his forbearance of tenderness, looking at the moving in his black eyes, I know that during this period of time, I seem to work hard in vain.

I stood aside and couldn't say what I felt. In fact, I knew from the beginning that I couldn't compete with Lu Xinran. Her tears were obstacles I couldn't overcome.

Sometimes being needed is also a way of love.

He nodded, started the car and changed direction.

I didn't know much about electronic products. I thought Apple was good and used to it. I didn't want Chen Xing to frown and say, "I'd better change it for domestic products! It's safer. "

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