After chatting with Muzi in the hospital for a while, I went to see Cheng Junyu again. I came out to see Jon and Chen Xing smoking on the wall of the corridor. I didn't know what they were talking about.

Chen Xing seems not very happy, a pair of eyes scattered sparks, staring at Jon, as if a little angry.

He said with a smile, "I know you miss the fruits in Huai'an yard. Last time I didn't tell you that I bought that yard. I planted some fruits in it. They were all seeds left by my mother-in-law before. There are tomatoes you like, and green awns!"

"That's good, Xiaoshu, as long as you don't push me away, just like when you were a child!" His face changed a few pieces, and he almost happily picked up a basket of things from the car.

Looking at him at a loss, I staggered his eyes and said in a low voice, "I didn't want you, just..."

His face was a little complicated, like grief, like self mockery, "you don't want me?"

"Your cold eyes, your stubbornness, your selfishness make you more and more distant from us!" When grandma brought him back to Huai'an yard, I was full of joy, thinking that I had another family member, but what he did made me scared, scared!

Looking at him, I restrained myself. "How do you want me to get along with you? Shen Yu, you know very well in your heart whether we are the closest people in the world or not. I have never pushed you. Did you go far by yourself? "

Miss him, I directly into, don't say, he followed up, blocking my way, Junlang's face is full of gloom, "Shen Shu, do you plan to get along with me in this way all your life? I am your brother, not your enemy. We are the closest people in the world. Why do you push me so far? "

If I could, I would not see this person for the rest of my life.

This gloomy feeling is what I hate. "I've seen it. Can I go now?"

He raised his eyebrows. "Look at you People His eyes fell on my belly voice, with deep meaning.

I froze in the same place, holding hands tightly, holding back the color of disgust, "what are you doing here?"

Shen Yu got out of the car with a gentle smile on his face. "I've been waiting for you for a long time. Where have you been? How did the phone turn off? "

Seeing the black Bentley in front of the villa, I couldn't say for a moment whether I was angry or disgusted.

Originally, I was going to the yoga studio, but today's class is a couple. Fu Shenyan and Lu Xinran are together. At this time, he should have no time, and I don't want to find pain for myself. I just go back to the villa to stay.

These two people are boring enough. After thinking about it, I left silently. After saying hello to Muzi, I went directly back to the villa.


Jon: I didn't let you play

Chen Xing frowned, "I have something to do, I don't have time to play with you!"

"Good!" Jon opened his mouth and looked at Chen Xingdao, "wait for me!"

Seeing Jon's bad face, I didn't quite understand what happened to them. I simply said, "I won't drive. I'll take a taxi. You'll wait for Jon later."

Jon didn't speak, Chen Xing put out the cigarette butt, walked to me and said, "I'll go with you!"

I came forward and said, "Jon, you'll chat with Muzi later. I'll have something to go first."

I looked at him and felt familiar and strange. He was always cold and bloodthirsty. How could he do this?

So far, I can't figure out his temperament.

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