Xing Fei seemed to be provoked. She took over the wooden warehouse under her hand, squatted down and put the mouth of the wooden warehouse against my heart. "Murong Jin, remember, you have to pay for robbing other people's things."

While talking, he was cruel. Murong Jin also burst up at this moment and broke away from several strong men in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, there was a sudden rumbling engine sound around, as if even the ground began to shake.

The next second, a helicopter galloped in the sky, and countless people shot at the ground. Xing Fei's people were instantly knocked down to the ground.

In a panic, several smart people immediately came forward to protect Xing Fei to evacuate.

Several people tried to counterattack the helicopter with a wooden warehouse while retreating, but the fire was crushed and only beaten.

Xing Fei was forced to the side of the car, and her men dragged her away. "Miss, it's important to keep the green mountain without worrying about firewood. It's important to protect your life first!"

At the same time, Murong Jin was finally free, but due to the attack of the wound on his shoulder, he gritted his teeth on the ground for a while before he finally stood up and prepared to protect me.

However, Xing Fei was unwilling to let us go. Before getting on the bus, he grabbed the wooden warehouse with a sight under his hand. A wooden warehouse pierced his left leg. Murong Jin softened his feet and knelt to the ground in an instant.

I smiled wildly, ignoring the children around me. The bullet was getting closer and closer. I only knew that Chen Yi had finally tasted the injury.

Xing Fei also seemed to send the second wooden warehouse, but the helicopter's bullet had hit their car. They had to get into the car and run around.

As soon as they left, the people on the helicopter stopped shooting and hovered slowly above me.

The helicopter cabin door opened and fell down the ladder. Several people in military equipment quickly came down and surrounded me inside and outside. One of the men with heavy camouflage on his face came forward to untie the rope for me.

Almost at the moment I saw his eyes, I recognized that he was Fu Shenyan.

Pain and heartache rushed into my heart. The tip of my nose was sour. I cried without backbone. I poured out my grief in a voice that only two of us could hear. "If I die, be careful. They took her as me and killed her. She died for me. How can I talk to Chen Xing..."

Fu Shenyan calmly untied several knots on me, wrapped my hand with a generous and warm palm, and his eyes were firm and calm. "Xiao Shu, be strong, hold on for a while, we will avenge Ruo Ruo. Trust me, trust your Fu Shenyan, okay?"

"Just think it's me, please."

I really want to cry with him, and then be a selfish person. Let him take me to a place where there is no pain and sorrow, hide and be a coward.

But I know that this is not practical. The dead are like this. The living should live for them. Only by personally ending the source of evil will their spirits in heaven rest in peace.

I held back my tears and squeezed a word out of my teeth, "OK."

Fu Shenyan gave me a forbearing look, then stepped aside, hid among the people and lowered his head.

Then several soldiers and people exchanged signals. After confirming the safety, Zuo Mucheng, who stood in front, went to the inner circle and asked me, "is Miss Shen okay?"

"I'm fine." I raised my hand and wiped my tears. I managed to squeeze out a smile. "Thanks to you this time."

"It's thanks to --" Zuo Mucheng suddenly stopped halfway, looked at Fu Shenyan's direction, and immediately changed his mouth, "it's Miss Shen's luck. We didn't do anything, but when we talk to Murong Jin later, Miss Shen has to cooperate."

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