I nodded and didn't refuse. Then they helped me up and went to check Murong Jin's situation.

When he came to him, the soldiers guarding him were doing emergency treatment for his legs.

Zuo Mucheng explained in a very official tone, "Xing Fei, as the number one Du owl in China, we have been staring at her for a long time. We just haven't arrested her because there is no evidence, which frightened the two. Can you hold on, sir?"

The tone is sincere, acting as if he really knows nothing about Murong Jin's identity.

This is not surprising. Murong Jin has been hiding well at home. Few people know that Mr. Jin, who is frightening abroad, lives at ease at home.

Murong Jin clenched his teeth and shook his head slowly, "it doesn't hurt."

"That's good. Then we'll send someone to protect your safety. Don't worry that Xing Fei will come back for revenge." Zuo Mucheng said again.

"No need." Murong refused directly. "I like freedom and don't like being followed up. I'll find a good bodyguard myself."

People like him, who have something to do with the police, might as well be directly monitored. Naturally, he doesn't want to.

Zuo Mucheng was just polite, so he didn't insist, "well, send you to the hospital first."

Then there was no communication.

Sitting in the cabin, I didn't dare to see Fu Shenyan's position for a moment, for fear that Murong Jin might find something.

Even so, I know that he is here, with me, but I have never been steadfast.

Murong Jin's leg didn't hurt a bone, but he still lay in the hospital for half a month.

Arvin, who has been following his suit for half a month, has been guarding me, even outside the bedroom.

Almost every night, as soon as I close my eyes, I can see the appearance of Wang ruoro and the child before they die, driving people crazy.

It was a fine day. The sun was in the sky and the cool air dissipated. I sat in front of the French window to bask in the sun. Murong Jin suddenly appeared at the door of the bedroom.

All my peace of mind collapsed at the moment I saw him, and my face sank immediately.

He walked over step by step, slow and unstable. He probably pulled the wound every step, so he twisted his eyebrows slightly.

"I'm back," Murong said.

He stood half a meter away from me with a calm and indifferent tone.

"You haven't seen me once in half a month." Murong Jin laughed at himself again.

Are you here to plead guilty?

I had nothing to say to him, so I got up and walked out.

Murong Jin stretched out his hand and grabbed my two arms, with a trace of fatigue in his eyes. "You don't want to see me?"

"Pa -" I reached out and slapped him.

Murong Jin was stunned and stunned. A moment of violence flashed on his face, but he soon pressed it down and said with patience, "well, if you're angry, don't lose your temper."

"Pa -" I hit him again, in the same position and harder.

Then even I couldn't control myself. One after another, I used both hands and kept facing his face.

Murong Jin shook and tried to make me stop, "OK, OK, Shen Shu, don't challenge my bottom line."

I didn't listen. I clenched my fist and beat him crazily with all my strength, "devil, murderer, you killed a mother and such a beautiful life. Why don't you die!"

"Enough, enough..." "Shen Shu!"

He was finally angry, angrily pinched my arm, told me not to move, and forced me to look into his eyes, "why, why did you treat me like this, Shen Shu, I was desperate to save you, but you blamed me in turn!"

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