"If it had been killed by master Jin's men!"

I roared and stared at him with resolute cruelty, "I recognize the wooden warehouse that the child took. Do you think I don't know anything if you don't say it!"

Murong Jin's neck stiffened. Obviously, he didn't expect me to guess the truth. He was stunned and had nothing to say.

I sneered and struggled again, "let go of me. Don't touch me with your innocent hands. I feel sick!"

However, Murong Jin just stood motionless, didn't let me go, didn't speak, like a stone.

A moment later, he sighed, as if tired. "How can you forget these things?"

"Never," I blurted out.

"It always needs to be solved. You can't leave me. You always have a knot in your heart. It's bad for you and me. As long as you say that I can do it, I won't hesitate." Murong sincerely discussed it tepidly.

My heart knot is more than this one. He is really a noble man and forgetful.

Fu Shenyan said, if we want to avenge Ruo, if we die under the hand of master Jin, then, well, I'll push him to master Jin's wooden warehouse!

"Unless you leave Mr. Jin, you won't do these sinister activities from now on. I know that what you can do is clean business." I narrowed my eyes and tried his bottom line at will.

Just by taking me with him, Lord Jin almost killed him. This time, what will be the consequences of asking him to leave the criminal group?

Murong Jinjun's face was cold, his strength in his hands relaxed a lot, his eyes were absent for a moment, and he didn't reply at first time.

He knew in his heart how much it would cost to do it.

"Why, don't you want to give up?" I sarcastically said. "You really value those black money and the days of living on the edge of the knife more than me."

"It doesn't matter. Really, this is originally a game. If you can't do it, it can only prove that you are as good as Fu Shenyan and won't lose your mind for love."

"But what's different is that Fu Shenyan once did it for me, so I can't let him go until now, and you, you're smart, you don't pay anything, and you won't lose anything. When you're tired, you won't be entangled by me. You're the smartest one."

"That's it. I don't expect anything from you anyway."

Then, before he recovered, I quickly broke free from his shackles, ran into the guest room next door and hit the door with my backhand.

There is no anti lock. Since Murong Jin can find the key and break the door, it's not necessary.

But at this moment, I just want a person's space, even for a few minutes.

To my surprise, Murong Jin didn't bother me again. Until I walked out of the room in the afternoon, there was no shadow of him in the room, even the men guarding at home.

I was pleasantly surprised. I thought Murong Jin had completely abandoned his control over me. As a result, I went downstairs and found that those people had just moved outside the house.

I'm naive.

But at least it seems that I don't have to face Murong Jin today. I'm glad.

Late at night, I was in a daze at the chattering female anchor on TV, thinking about how long it would be before Fu Shenyan could smash Murong Jin's nest.

Murong Jin suddenly stumbled in. When the talent came to the door, the strong smell of wine came to his face.

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