I blocked my nose and watched him fall down on the sofa. Then I saw clearly that he had a wound on his face and swollen corners of his mouth.

Got beaten for drinking crazy outside?

But I didn't ask. For this extremely self righteous man, any question will automatically be understood as attention to him.

He leaned back against the back of the sofa, slowed down, opened his heavy eyelids and looked at me. Then he went to untie the tie around his neck.

He took it off, threw it aside, put his hands on his knees, covered his face, and rubbed his hands up and down to ease the discomfort caused by alcohol. Finally, he kept blocking his mouth and nose, revealing only his two eyes, and slowly opened his mouth, "you don't care why I'm like this?"

Why should I care?

I didn't speak, but I looked at him curiously.

Compared with the appearance of an elegant gentleman in the past, Murong Jin is really sloppy today. In his impression, it should be the first time he has lost his manners like this.

"I have a showdown with Lord Jin." Murong Jin suddenly seems to be out of his mind. After that, he spread his hand and leaned against the back of the sofa behind him. He looked at me drunk and waited for my response.

I was really surprised by his words. I looked at him with an eyebrow. I didn't expect him to do so.

"And then?" in fact, his injuries and everything he has proved by coming back intact, I just want to know how he was suppressed by master Jin.

"Hum," Murong smiled with self mockery, looking empty at his front, as if talking about other people's things, "of course, he was rejected."

"Then he hit hard and almost broke a rib."

"Well, since I didn't interrupt, it seems that master Jin still has feelings for you and didn't kill you." I deliberately sarcastically said.

Murong Jin shook his head when he heard the speech. "He gave me two choices: Die with you, or continue to be a good dog. He won't touch you again."

"So you came back with a wound to tell me that you are not only angry with Lord Jin for me, but also willing to be Lord Jin's dog for me?" I said in a gloomy and sunny way.

Looking at Murong Jin's attitude in front of master Jin, he should have enough dignity in that group, but if we want to keep us safe, it means that he can only follow master Jin's lead in the future. Where Master Jin refers, he will fight in the pole and wooden warehouse.

Murong didn't deny it, but he opened the topic and smiled very ugly. "If you stay with Lord Jin, you will always hate me. If you don't stay, we all have to die. It seems that there's nothing wrong with maintaining the status quo. At least you can stay with me all the time."

"You might as well say that you are greedy for life and afraid of death." I sarcastically raised the corners of my lips without concealing my contempt.

"Whatever you say, I don't want to pay attention to that. As you said, I'll get tired of you sooner or later. Then, before that day comes, we can only put up with each other."

Probably the wine strength came up. Murong Jin's voice became smaller and smaller. He leaned on the sofa and slowly closed his eyes.

Looking at his chest. His mouth fluctuated regularly. I suddenly had a cruel intention and wanted to end him like this.

As long as Murong Jin is dead, no one will bite Fu Shenyan again.

But soon I realized that this was not feasible. Neither Su ran nor Jin had special feelings for Murong Jin. They would not watch him die but do nothing.

If you want to be completely secure, you can only catch them all.

When I was immersed in my thoughts, Murong Jin's voice suddenly sounded again, "do you want to kill me again?"

"Yes, I'm eager to strip you of your cramps and tell you not to live or die."

"Very good. It's better to be hated by you than not to exist."

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