"No, he will really kill himself and die with us..." I am eager to ask Fu Shenyan to believe my judgment. What do you know about a lunatic person.

Murong Jin looked at us with a smile, just like enjoying a farce. His face and eyes were full of confidence.

This made my heart tremble and tried my best to pull Fu Shenyan out.

Finally, Fu Shenyan still couldn't twist me. The compromise evacuated to the periphery of the villa with me. It was about 100 meters before it finally stopped.

When I was sure it was safe, I was relieved. Looking at the villa in the night, I patted my chest and said to Fu Shenyan, "you were too emotional just now. Even if you expected Murong Jin to scare me, what would happen? How much he hated you? You know better than me. If there is anything in case, what should I do and what should they do in Zhian. Have you thought about it?"

Fu Shenyan looked at me for a long time. In the end, he didn't refute anything. He just stretched out his long arm and hugged me again.

"It's all right. It's all right. It'll be all right."

I didn't resist. I held him back, tighter, tighter, as if no one could separate us.

It was not until the police arrived that we released each other and entered the villa with them.

When entering, Murong Jin was gone. Similarly, after testing, no flammable and explosive articles were found near the villa. Murong Jin's explosive threat was self defeating.

I asked Fu Shenyan, "how do you know Murong Jin is just scaring people?"

Fu Shenyan looked at me and smiled, "of course it's all your credit."

"My credit?" I pointed to myself, but Fu Shenyan didn't explain further.

Finally, there was no need to avoid suspicion. I didn't want to guess Murong Jin's mind. I simply threw it behind my head and changed the topic, "since you have brought the police to the door, why don't you wait a little longer and arrest Murong Jin directly?"

"It was meant to be, but Mr. Jin's gang left ahead of time, and only Murong Jin could lead them out." Fu Shenyan's tone was relaxed, no longer like the previous depression, smiled, "but even if they were there, I didn't want to do this. You were inside, I didn't want to risk your life."

Fu Shenyan's worries are always traceable. I think this may be the best arrangement.

Murong Jin's criminal evidence Fu Shenyan has collected almost the same. He has also exposed his identity and can't escape for too long.

Although the villa was inspected by the police, Fu Shenyan felt that it was not safe enough. He drove us to Shen Yu's house overnight.

He lives in the yard in front of Shen Changlin. The security around him is very strict. There are troops stationed not far away. There is no need to worry about finding Mr. Jin.

As soon as I entered the door, a loud voice frightened me, "madam!"

After knowing and feeling, it was Chen Yi!

He's not dead!

"Chen Yi!" I exclaimed, "you're not dead! You're really not dead!"

Chen Yi rarely smiled and said with some embarrassment, "yes, I'm not dead. I hid and quit Du healing. I recovered slowly. I'm ashamed of my husband."

"No shame." my heart was warm and I couldn't help reaching out to hug him. "It's hard for you. Give him a hug."

Chen Yi looked at Fu Shenyan and hugged me only after he was sure.

"Thank you, Chen Yi," I said gratefully.

Chen Yi just smiles and doesn't know how to answer.

As soon as he finished, Anxin and Zhian ran down the stairs and hugged me.

"Mommy -"


"An Xin misses you so much..."

"I miss daddy too! Wow -"

"Mom wants you too!"

What to do? It seems that the senses have failed. Today's tears are sweet.

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