The next day, zuomucheng attacked the army and came to the door.

"Congratulations, you two finally see the moon."

I leaned against Fu Shenyan's arms, looked at each other and smiled. I quickly gave way and invited him in.

When the tea was served, Fu Shenyan asked me the question I was most concerned about, "Murong Jin, do you have any news?"

Zuo Mucheng's tea just took a sip, smelled the speech and slowly put it down. He shook his head regretfully. "It's still checking. The group of Jin Ye is the same. It seems that the world has evaporated and there is no news."

"Doesn't this mean that Murong Jin is likely to run away?" I frowned immediately.

Leaving aside his identity, Murong Jin is a very smart man. Once he is out of the sight of the police, it is only a matter of time for him to make a comeback with his ability.

Fu Shenyan and our family have nothing to do with him. They should not be harassed endlessly.

"Mrs. Fu doesn't have to be so pessimistic. I have to believe in Zuo Mou's ability. So far, none of the people on the border that I have been staring at has been able to retreat. You can rest assured that you don't have to worry about this matter if you live a peaceful life with your family." Zuo Mucheng didn't pay attention to Murong.

It's not his fault.

Only when things fall on yourself can you know how terrible it is.

Looking at the children playing in the small hall, my heart can't let go anyway. Fu Shenyan is deeply affected by the gratitude and resentment of the previous generation. Should my children repeat the mistakes and suffer the pain of killing each other again?

No, absolutely not.

When my heart sank, I looked at Zuo Mucheng and said solemnly, "Mr. Zuo, we can't be so passive. The population of nearly 100 million in the capital wants to look for a needle in a haystack. It's a fool's dream. Why don't we change our thinking and catch a turtle in a jar?"

"Oh?" Zuo Mucheng raised his eyebrows and his eyes lit up a bit of interest. "How can you catch a turtle in a jar?"

After looking at Fu Shenyan, I said seriously, "my method can't guarantee to catch people, but I can try..."

The next morning, an ambulance drove into Shen's house and took me to the best private hospital in Beijing. After diagnosis, I was finally sent to the emergency ward.

For a time, the overwhelming news swept all major social software, and some people predicted that I would not live in January.

This was a trap set for catching Murong Jin, but Lu Xinran appeared first.

In order to let Murong Jin go deep into the hospital, the patients on this floor have basically been transferred, and the patients and their families have been replaced with plain clothes soldiers. Guard song and Lu Xinran took advantage of this loophole to run in.

At that time, I was lying in the isolation ward, breathing oxygen with an oxygen mask. When I opened my eyes, I suddenly looked at Lu Xinran's red, swollen and terrible eyes.

When Lu Xinran found that I was frightened, he suddenly giggled, "hehe, you will be afraid, too. Shen Shu, do you think you deserve it? After fighting with me for half a life, you will still die in the end. It's superfluous!"

I'm a dying patient now. I can't do anything but stare at her silently.

Seeing that I couldn't move, Lu Xinran simply began to circle around my hospital bed. As he walked, he opened the isolation cover to protect me and threw it on the ground. "You've always been protected by others. It used to be Fu Shenyan's men. Now it's these broken covers. Come on, let me see how tenacious you are. How long can you hold on without this thing?"

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