With that, she had approached the expensive medical equipment in the ward, talking to herself and turning the button on it randomly, "You've pulled out all of you and broken them. I don't think you can stare at me! Why, since you want to die so early, why didn't you give Fu Shenyan to me at the beginning! You ruined me, you hurt me, I'll kill you myself and watch you die of illness!"

In the end, even the ECG detector was made into a straight line by her.

I saw that it was about to be exposed. I immediately pressed the help button in the quilt and asked the ambush police next door to subdue people first.

But one second before pressing it, Lu Xinran suddenly shouted with ecstasy holding the ECG detector that has returned to zero, "ha ha, dead, Shen Shu is dead, I finally killed her, I killed Shen Shu! No one in the world is always happier than me! No one in the world!"

She suddenly approached me with her flashing eyes like a copper bell, and suddenly became nervous. She raised her index finger to block her lips and made a hissing gesture, "Shh! Shen Shu is dead and Fu Shenyan is dead. The world is mine. I can do whatever I want! I am the queen. I want people all over the world to love me! I want the world to love me!"

She screamed twice, and then she kept repeating this sentence, "I want the whole world to love me, and the whole world to love me..."

While talking to himself, he walked out aimlessly, as if he couldn't see me and was stunned.

After a while, someone pretended to be a nurse and sneaked in and asked me about my situation. "Mrs. Fu, Mr. Fu asked me to come in and have a look. Are you okay? I think the crazy woman probably came out of the psychiatric department. Did she scare you?"

"It's all right." I shook my head. "Call a professional to restore the machine."

"OK, just a moment. I'll go right away."

I didn't take this episode to heart. I only focused on whether Murong Jin would be fooled.

What if he doesn't come.

If he runs away, I won't be at ease for the rest of my life.

Finally, late the next night, the whole floor suddenly heard a dense sound of footsteps. When I opened my eyes, all the ambush people ran downstairs.

Needless to say, only Murong Jin deserves this battle.

I quickly untied the infusion tube stuck to my body to confuse my sight, put on my coat and chased out with the crowd.

Ran to the back door exit and saw Murong Jin surrounded by the police in the middle of the road.

To deal with this outlaw, even if he did not show his wooden warehouse weapons, all police officers still found cover and dared not rush forward.

Murong would like to sneer at this, with a contemptuous radian at the corners of his mouth, and despise everyone.

This makes the police more afraid, for fear that he has already arranged the back move, and anyone close to him will be in danger.

He soon saw me in the crowd, then his eyes sank for a while and asked with dubious doubts, "Shen Shu? Are you really ill?"

Obviously, he also guessed what tricks we would play, but he came anyway.

For a moment, I was moved, but it was only a second.

I can see his expression of intimidating the police very clearly, which reminds me how terrible he is. A little more pity may be a sharp weapon to hurt my family and friends in the future.

"No," I admitted frankly, "as you think, it's just a trap. You've been tricked by Murong Jin."

Murong Jin smiled bitterly when he heard the speech, "well, fortunately..."

"It's not good news for you."

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