"Well, I know!" There was no one in the villa, and it was still early. I found a place to sit down and looked at the scenery in the yard and said, "when I have a baby, I will bring my baby back to see you, and then let her call you godmother!"

She cut a, "call what dry mother, direct call mother, my baby is the same after, what dry mother don't dry mother, direct call mother good!"

It was so hot that I simply found a place to sit down. When I went out, I was absent-minded and didn't bring my cell phone and bag.

Aimless wandering around a circle, I seem to be lost, looking at all kinds of people on the street, I do not know for a moment from that!

If the child didn't come, I'm afraid he and I would have already gone back to the bridge.

In fact, I don't feel so bad. Fu Shenyan wants to divorce me. I know it from the day I marry him, and I'm ready for it.

Out of the villa, wandering aimlessly in the street, looking up, the eyes are strange.

The capital is too big. I don't know where I want to go for a while?

"No!" I have no energy to deal with her, light back a, then out of the hall.

Downstairs, aunt Quan greets me with a smile, "Mrs. Fu, do you have anything to eat? I'll make you some dessert? "

After I hung up the phone, I closed the drawer and felt that my heart was really blocked. Maybe it was because the atmosphere in the study was too dull.

Me: "something's up!"

"What's the matter?"

I stare at the words on the document, and I don't want to chat. I say, "Muzi, I'll hang up first."

"By the way, are you still pregnant and vomiting? The old people here say that they won't vomit in seven months. When can I get there? " At the other end of the phone was Muzi complaining and wailing.

Seeing the contents of the document, I was a little distracted for a moment.

Chatting with her about trivial topics, I noticed the hard shell dark yellow file bag in the drawer. While talking to Muzi on the phone, I opened the bag.

The study is very big. Fu Shenyan bought a lot of it. I put it in a circle, looked in the drawer, found a piece of white paper and asked Muzi to write down the number.

I had nothing to do, and she called to talk, do not want to hang up, simply said, "I go to the study to find paper and notes."

He went upstairs while making a phone call. Muzi heard the movement of my side and said, "don't remember the number while you're walking. Either go to find paper and pen, or I'll send it to you later."

Then I turned on the hands-free and prepared to use my mobile phone to record. Seeing aunt Quan cleaning the table in the living room, I went in to say hello.

We are used to Jon's habit of changing numbers. He said to his mobile phone, "well, you give me his number and I'll take it down!"

She should be a, way, "by the way, you remember his number, he changed the number, last time he returned to m country and changed the phone, he is QQ contact me."

I nodded and sighed, "I'll call him later and ask him when he will come to Beijing."

"Jon is expected to return to the capital these days. If you are idle and bored in the capital, you can chat with him and go out to get together. After his mother's business, he has a lot of pressure on his heart. Especially in the capital, he may feel even worse when he sees the Qiao family."

I'm funny, "yes, it's all up to you."

At this time, it seems to be really lost.

Seeing that it was going to be dark, I was ready to answer my mobile phone to passers-by, but they were all rejected.

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