A black BMW stopped at the side of the road. I thought it was him who wanted to stop here. He turned and walked blankly in another direction.

"Shen Shu!"

He put down his chopsticks, wiped his mouth gracefully and said, "let's go!"

I nod and smile!

He raises Mou, notice my movement, shallow voice opens a mouth, "full?"

After filling my stomach, I put down my chopsticks and stopped moving.

The meal was extremely quiet. I didn't know anyone. I didn't have much to say. He was also elegant and precious, which attracted many people's attention.

He collected eyebrows, light should be a, "MMM!" Then there was nothing else to say.

After all, he helped me. I can't be silent and indifferent.

Looking at him, I said, "Mr. Gu, thank you for today, and thank you for tonight."

Good looking and flaunting, love beauty heart, everyone has it.

The little girl took the menu and looked at him secretly before she left.

Seeing him say this, I nodded, continued to tick a few dishes, and handed the menu to the little girl in a daze.

He nodded. "I'll pay!"

My result menu, also did not affectedly, directly checked a few dishes, looked at him and said, "my mobile phone and wallet did not come out."

Gu Han looked at me and said, "what would you like to eat?"

The waiter found a place for us, and then handed the menu to Gu Han. The girl's good-looking eyes could not help looking at him several times.

With him out of the car, he chose a roadside hot pot shop, looking at the decoration is very good, hot pot shop business is extremely good.

He parked his car in the parking area by the side of the road, looked at me and said, "let's go!"

I speak, Leng Leng don't have to look at him, see his eyebrows up, I bite lips, are the harm of eating.

"Hot pot!"

"Hunan cuisine and Sichuan cuisine, or hot pot!"

Embarrassed, I bowed my head and said, "I'll be home soon. I'll eat at home!"

He looks at me, handsome eyebrow tiny pick, "want to eat what?"

some of the air was quiet and terrible, and my stomach suck up, and I was embarrassed for a moment.

He didn't speak, just drove quietly.

I nodded to see him start the car, I said, "Nanshan villa area!"

On the car, he looked at me, not much, "fasten the seat belt!"

I pursed my lips and looked at the bloodstains on my feet with low eyes. I sighed silently. It's time for me to be sentimental.


He frowned, a little shallow displeasure, "it will be dark for a while, and it will be more difficult for you to find the way back!"

"No!" I instinctively refused, "I just came out for a walk, and I'll go back in a moment. I won't trouble you."

"Get in the car!" He spoke without feeling.

He looked at me like this, I was embarrassed, but there was no place to hide, so I had to laugh.

He seemed to speak very little, and his eyes fell on my feet that I took off my shoes. He walked too far and his feet were worn out of blood, so I took off my shoes.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Gu, to meet you here!" I pulled a smile, trying to cover up his embarrassment at this time.

Why is he here?

Gu Han!

A man's low voice came from behind me. I was not familiar with it. I was stunned. Looking back, I saw that the window of BMW was rolled down, revealing the man's clear and resolute side face.

This person's way of dealing with things makes me unable to find any topic to talk with him for a moment. I always feel that he is not cold, not cold, but not warm, not noisy. Everything is with him, he can take it calmly.

I got on the bus. I had a look at the time. It's nine o'clock.

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