Several people in black pulled me out of the car. Regardless of whether I was pregnant, they rudely pushed me into another car. Then they tied my hands and feet, blocked my mouth and started the car.

I didn't have a chance to make a sound. I watched them pour gasoline on three or two cars from a distance, and three or two cars were blown up together. I couldn't believe it. There was another person on the car. How could they just take a life?

Doing everything well, the two men in black drove away.

Abdominal pain as tens of thousands of needles down in general, my mouth was blocked by them, can only make a whine sound.

After a discussion, they decided to tie up my legs, and I kept shaking my head for help.

"It means that we can double the price. We just need to bind her legs and leave her here. It depends on her nature whether she lives or dies!"

Hearing this, the man in black was stunned and said, "is this too cruel? It seems that the child is full-term

Seems to hear the affirmative answer, the man hung up the phone, looked at another black humanitarian, "the upper command, her legs trapped to death, as long as the child is not born, amniotic fluid flow, the child will suffocate to death."

Then the man got through. He didn't know what the other end of the line said. The man in black hesitated and said, "Lin Is it too cruel? "

The man who was called the head said, "take it!"

When they finished speaking, one of the men in black's mobile phones rang. The man in black took a look at the caller ID and looked at another man in black, "head, it's the top phone!"

"Wait a minute!" Another man in Black said, "as long as it's eight o'clock, you don't have to worry about her life or death. Looking at her now, she won't struggle for long."

"Chief, does she seem to be having a baby? Shall we do it now? " One of the men in black spoke.

My mouth was blocked and I couldn't speak. They pulled me into yigei warehouse, which was cleaned up in advance. It didn't look so messy.

The original driving car suddenly stopped, the door was opened, and two men in black lifted me out of the car.

After several struggles, I moved the rope down a bit, and my knees could be slightly separated. I tried to spread my legs as far as I could.

Think of here, my heart pain began to spread, can't be like this, the child I must be born.

I know that if the child can't get out before the water is finished, he will die of hypoxia.

On the contrary, the legs were worn out of blood, mother and son heart to heart, I can clearly feel the amniotic fluid in a little bit, the child's breathing began to rush.

I desperately want to struggle to open my bound legs, want to spread my legs and give birth to the child, but no matter how hard I try, I can't break the rope.

The hem of the skirt has been soaked through, but the amniotic fluid is broken...

my lower abdomen is aching, and I am sweating, and my legs are trapped by them. I can feel a little crack there, and the child seems to be coming out.

Fear, disbelief, fear, all the emotions are full of me at this moment.

I left alone in the dark warehouse, and the pain in my lower abdomen came one after another. I could clearly feel the child's efforts to drill out.

I tried to get rid of my legs several times, but I couldn't get rid of the strength of the two men and how tight they were.

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