The pain is more and more obvious, and I can clearly feel the struggling action of the child.

After several times of tossing, I ran a little bit, the amniotic fluid became smaller and smaller, and the original force to drill out became smaller and smaller.

Perhaps, this is a door to the underworld, which has been opened.

Vaguely, I saw a tall man come in. I was dizzy. When I wanted to see him clearly, I had no strength to open my eyes.

"Bang!" The door of the warehouse was opened and a strong light came in.

If I accompany him, he won't be bullied by other kids. I can't protect him in the world, and I can protect him in the underworld.

As time went by, I began to think that it would be better if I went with my child. In hell, at least he was not afraid.

Blame me for being too stupid, for being careless, for me, for everything. If it wasn't for me, the child would not be like this and would not leave in such an ugly way.

I'm wrong, I'm really wrong. I shouldn't Miss Fu Shenyan's warmth, believe that he can protect me and my children, and challenge the authority and ruthlessness of Lin Wan and Mo family.

He must not understand why his mother is not willing to let him out so hard, he must blame me, why not let him out, he clearly so hard.

I seem to vaguely see the child who desperately wants to live in the lightning. He struggles again and again, trying to come out.

Outside the warehouse, there was a torrential rain. The thunder was louder and the lightning was brighter.

The whole person paralyzed down, the ground is thick liquid, do not know is amniotic fluid or blood, I have no way to distinguish.

The abdominal pain continued, but the child's original favorable movement gradually disappeared. I suddenly froze, and the lens in my hand fell off.

"Boom!" All of a sudden, there was a loud thunder, and the air was wet.

That kind of pain is really worse than death.

But all of this than, I personally feel bit by bit in the belly of the fetus, bit by bit did not move.

But the hemp rope is very thick. I don't know how long I've been rowing. The pain in my palm comes from the cone. All the blood on my legs and hands is thick paste.

Without much thought, I will be bound hands moved to get the lens, began to bit by bit to the leg of the rope.

"Pa!" The lens broke into pieces, and my forehead was also accompanied by pain.

Clearly only two steps away, I seem to move a lifetime, not easy to reach the lens, I hit the past with my head.

Think of here, I ignited a glimmer of hope, move the body, like the body of the snake was cut off half of the body, difficult to move.

The pain in my heart and abdomen tormented me. I saw a bright light and glasses in the dark warehouse!

No, I can't. I haven't seen what he looks like. I haven't brought him to the world. I can't just let him go.

I know, the child lack of oxygen, lack of breathing, so, he can't make efforts.

Vaguely, I seem to stand up, foot is thick blood red liquid, I know, this is my blood.

Subconsciously, I raised my hand and stroked my abdomen. It was flat here. I was surprised and subconsciously went around to look for the child.

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