"Baby, baby..." Called countless times, I seem to see a tiny figure in a piece of light.

He hobbled towards me, because he was too small, he walked unsteadily, stumbling.

After three days, I finally got out of bed. I could make a little voice. I grabbed Gu Han's sleeve. My voice was still hoarse, "I want to see the child!"

This disaster is like connecting me again and again after cramping and peeling. Every time I think of it, the pain begins to spread. I can hardly control this kind of sadness.

He was speechless, holding my hand and letting me cry. I didn't know how long, I fell asleep in a daze. He called me several times in the middle of the way. I answered in a daze and fell asleep again.

Unable to control the pain in my heart, I began to tremble and sob. Gu Han held my hand, his face was cloudy, and there was deep pain hidden in his dark eyes.

My heart suddenly seems to be torn open, bloody position was filled with salt, dense pain began to spread, even bones feel this pain.

He seemed to know what I mean, and sighed slightly, "you are so good at raising your body. The child will have it in the future."

I can't speak, just look at him, tears fall from the corner of my eyes.

I never thought that the last person to appear would be him. I thought it was Fu Shenyan and Shen Yu, but I didn't think it was him!

"The doctor said that you can't eat for six hours. You can only drink some water until the anesthesia is over." It's not other people who are talking, it's Gu Han.

After anesthesia, the body up and down began to make a dense pain, especially the abdomen, that as long as a little breath, pulling the nerve pain.

In a daze, I was sent to the ward by a group of people. I had a terrible sore throat. I couldn't breathe or say a word.


"Well, the best protection, transferred to intensive care unit, a day later to observe the situation, stable transfer to the general ward."

Someone opened his mouth and loosened his airway. "I finally woke up and got my life back."

Beside him stood a group of doctors in white coats, all wearing masks.

Suddenly a burst of pain in my heart, I breathed and opened my eyes, the purpose is a familiar white.

I broke up and yelled, "baby, baby..."

But the sound was like a magic spell, ringing in my ears over and over again.

"Shen Shu, Shen Shu..." The voice sounded again. I covered my ears and didn't want to hear it. I tried to look around and look for the child.

When I went to see the child again, the child was gone, leaving me alone in the white fog without direction.

I wanted to find the source of the sound, but it was white all around my eyes, and I couldn't see anything.

"Shen Shu, Shen Shu..." The deep and distant voice reminds me again and again.

Small nose, small eyes, everything is so beautiful, he will smile, small mouth bent up, like a small flower.

As soon as I was happy, I ran towards him, held the child in my arms, and carefully looked at the child in my arms. He was so small and his head was red. Maybe he wanted to come out of my stomach quickly, so he was squeezed red.

Tears can't stop spinning in my eyes, I said, "at least, let me see, what does he look like?"

I'm pregnant in October. I want to see him.

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