"No!" I quickly denied, looked up at him and said, "don't you always want me to sign the divorce agreement? Now that I've signed, you and Lu Xinran can get married. What's wrong? "

"Good!" He laughed colder and colder, and his hand around my waist was a little bit hard. "Shen Shu, you know I hate people making their own decisions and beating my seed. Do you think you can really go so smoothly?"

This is Joe's cautious, even if I don't want to hear it, I can't help it. It's so loud that everyone in the yard knows it.

"I said, Cheng Junyu, which one of your nerves is wrong? Why do you care so much about this woman? What's wrong with you? If she hadn't married the third brother by any means, Xinran and the third brother would have been happy. "

I said thank you with a smile, and then came out.

Fu Shenyan gave me a light look and didn't say much. Cheng Junyu said, "the scenery outside the yard is good. You can go around. There's a basin garden beside it. There's a pool inside and a lot of fish in it."

This was said to Fu Shenyan and Cheng Junyu.

Cheng Junyu wanted to stop him. I laughed and said, "the scenery here is good. I'll go out for a walk!"

Qiao Jinyan didn't like me. Seeing Cheng Junyu like this, he didn't have a good way of saying, "what's so delicate? It's just like losing a baby. He also specially asked chef Liu to make soup for you. He's an international chef. It's a waste!"

I was stunned, then shook my head.

"Chef Liu needs to cook soup for a while!" With that, Cheng looked at me and said, "are you hungry?"

We were sent to the hotel. The welcoming lady stepped back. Fu Shenyan went to the tea chair beside them and sat down. His eyes were light and he said, "why don't you order?"

Then he took Fu Shenyan and me through the yard and went into a house. As soon as I went in, I saw Cheng Junyu and Qiao Jinyan making tea in it. They seemed to be chatting.

Out of the company, Fu Shenyan took me into a Sihe Courtyard, a Chinese restaurant. When I entered the courtyard, some welcome guests in peach cheongsam came out. Looking at Fu Shenyan, he said with a smile, "President Fu, this way, please!"

I didn't know what to do for a moment, so I trotted behind him.

"Not yet?" He looked back, his pretty eyebrows slightly closed, and his voice was a little chilly.

After that, he left with cold feeling. I was stunned in the same place. I didn't understand the meaning of his words. If someone else's husband said this, he must be comforting and distressed, but he wasn't, absolutely not.

"Shen Shu, put away your cleverness. Since you beat the child, it doesn't matter. Let's continue to have another one!"

I don't know what he means, but it's not a compliment.

"How clever you are

The air became quiet, and Fu Shenyan narrowed his eyes dangerously. I had a feeling that standing in front of me now was a fierce leopard who was angry. If he was not careful, he would bite his neck and tear it to pieces.

"Don't you want that child?" I frown, more and more can't touch him, "Lu Xinran with death force, if you force me to fight, it's better for me to go!"

Don't want to listen to these words, I walk fast, out of the yard, but really see a different landscape.

Jiangcheng district is very expensive. This large courtyard is located in the center of the city. You can imagine how luxurious it is. There is such a big place to grow flowers and grass outside the courtyard. I think the owner of this restaurant is not short of money.

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