Walking on the stone egg path, I saw a man about 35 years old with a child breaking green branches in the yard.

See me walk in, that man also sees me, put down the action in the hand to say hello to me way, "Hello!"

I was stunned and said thank you with a smile. Joe couldn't stand it. He muttered in a low voice, "the baby is gone. What's the use of the best soup?"

Seeing me, the man laughed, looked at his wife and said, "go to the kitchen and bring a good soup of cuttlefish and red dates to Mrs. Fu. This soup is good for the fetus!"

The man and the child are the two people I just met in the yard. The woman is the man's wife.

He walked too fast, and soon returned to the yard. The food had been served. There were only four of us at the table, and there were three more.

"Well!" He didn't mean to ask me to talk more.

After him, I summoned my courage and said, "isn't this medicine garden a place to eat?"

I always feel that Fu Shenyan's treatment of me these two days seems to be different. It seems that it's not so cold?

Without saying much, he turned and left.

I look back, smile at him, embarrassed way, "distracted!"

Handsome eyebrow tiny Cu, "didn't take brain?"

I was so absorbed in it that he made a sudden noise and almost slipped down. He was quick in eyes and hands and lifted me up.

Before long, Fu Shenyan found out, saw me squatting by the stream to see the ants, he stood beside me coldly and said, "let's go!"

I was stunned, looking back at him, pulling the child has gone far, he knows me?

After a few steps, the man suddenly stopped to look at me and said, "Mrs. Fu, don't stay here too long. Some medicine is not convenient for raising the fetus!"

I ordered a little and watched him pull the child away. I didn't watch it carefully.

"It used to be called medicine garden. Jiangcheng is the most comfortable place in the country, and it is also the place where the vegetation is best cultivated. Therefore, it has become the concentration place of medicinal materials in the country. The quantity is small, but the varieties are preserved." The man sorted out the green twigs in the book, and after he finished with me, he was ready to pull the child away.

I Leng Leng, careful observation, it is true, not many places have vegetables, but there are many unknown vegetation, there is a tall cactus.

The man laughed and said, "to be exact, this is a medicine garden. There are more than 2000 kinds of medicinal materials, some of which are on the verge of extinction. They are all cultivated here."

"The scenery in this yard is very special." I said, "it's a bit like a vegetable garden!"

I nodded, but I couldn't help admiring this man.

He said, "you don't have to be surprised. I know a little bit of medical skills. I'll see your face and the unconscious protection of your lower abdomen when you walk just now. I think you are pregnant."

I didn't ask that.

I Leng Leng, surprised to see the man, "you..." How do you know I'm pregnant.

For a moment, I was so happy that I couldn't help holding him up. I didn't want to be stopped by a man. "You're pregnant. He's naughty and worried about his health!"

Because he couldn't speak, he opened his eyes and handed me the yellow flower in his hand.

The child with him just learned to walk. When he saw me, he let go of me and ran with me. He was a familiar child.

I smile back, "Hello!"

Fu Shenyan looked at me, which made me a little flustered. For a moment, I was worried about what Fu Shenyan could hear from the male population. I looked at Fu Shenyan and said, "you haven't introduced this gentleman to me yet!"

This words, I said soft and gentle, looking at it would like to be a qualified and virtuous wife.

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