Gu Han came very quickly. I have a little doubt that he is nearby.

Looking at the mess in the ward, he frowned and looked at Fu Shenyan. "Mr. Fu, how long do you think you can torture him in his present state?"

And Gu Han out of the hospital, his eyes color is very deep, "Shen Yu do too much publicity, next you have to do what is very difficult, Mo family will be on guard."

Yes, no one in the world can feel empathy, or even sympathy. Most people just look on coldly or watch fire from a distance.

I looked at Cheng Junyu, pulled a smile, and said, "you see, if this is not enough, I can tell you more. Dr. Cheng, he's your brother. I understand you're defending his feelings. I also understand that maybe in your opinion, I just lost a child. If you think about it carefully, it's nothing. But I'm sorry, I'm just like this. Even if I hurt a little, I'll get back. Besides, that child is my life to me! "

I didn't go to see Fu Shenyan's face. No matter he was in pain, suffering, remorse or chagrin, it had nothing to do with me.

Speaking of this, I couldn't help laughing. "In fact, I'm not stupid. Even if I didn't see the information about your engagement with Lu Xinran in the overwhelming news in Beijing, I could guess that Lin Wan's purpose was to kill me. After all, if I died, you and Lu Xinran would have no obstacles, but she miscalculated. She didn't want to go to Gu Han He'll show up. I don't think I'll be taken away by him. "

My heart is still painful, or uncomfortable, pressure way, "Lin Wan choose that night to start the reason, in fact, you know better than I do, right?"? In the past two months, Gu Han hardly let me touch any electronic products. I didn't watch TV, I didn't watch news, and I didn't even touch outsiders. "

Fu Shenyan looked at me with deep and dark eyes

I pursed my lips, looked back at Fu Shenyan and said, "on the night of Lu Xinran's birthday, you were at the banquet of Mo's family, right?"

Cheng Junyu stood still and looked at me with fixed eyes.

"Get out of the way!" Gu Han's face sank. They were all men in the shopping mall. They were all powerful.

At the door of the ward, Cheng Junyu's eyes were cold, and his eyes blocked the way out. His eyes fell on me, and his voice was very cold. "What's the matter with children? Careful words don't hurt less than you. Why do you hate him so much? You put all your pain on him, let him bear your pain, you are happy

Seeing this, he said nothing more and said, "let's go!"

I nodded, the language is very light, "go, I am very tired!" People's energy is limited, I so aggressive hurt others, oneself also can't bear much.

I went to Gu Han. He noticed the blood on the back of my hand and frowned, "did he pull it out by himself?"

But I don't care.

Fu Shenyan is speechless. From the beginning to now, his eyes have been on me. I know and can see that he is guilty, remorseful and painful.

I nodded and sighed. Shen Yu directly released the video in the hospital. The purpose was just to let Fu Shenyan see it and make fu Shenyan suffer.

Well, since it has already started, there is no reason to stop.

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