When the car started, I glanced at him and said, "have you taken a picture of the child?"

I asked calmly, but his body was obviously stiff. His eyes looked at me and opened his mouth. "Didn't he say he didn't look?"

The poor can strive to climb to the top of their relatively rich life by reading, but if they want to go to the next level, they must rely on their ability and wisdom to continue to climb.

But people are different. We are all divided into three, six and nine levels, just like a pyramid. From the bottom of the pyramid to the top of the pyramid, some people can't cross one level in their lives.

This social structure seems very simple. People live on the earth together.

Looking at Gu Han, I nodded, "OK, I'll go!"

I was stunned, and some of the reaction came later. If I want to pull down the Mo family, I have to climb to the same height as the Mo family, or even higher than the Mo family, so that I can turn over the game. Otherwise, I will always have to make little trouble.

Gu Han said with a smile, "the Xu family is a scholarly family. This time, the two old people invited a lot of business and political figures to hold a birthday party for my mother. The Mo family will also come. Don't you want to attack the Mo family? It's an opportunity. "

When Gu Han said that he wanted to take me to the birthday party, I refused. After all, he and Xu Hui had had several contacts, but the result was not friendly.

Xu huiben is the youngest sister in the family. Her temper is more indulgent and arrogant. Gu Han also knows her mother's temper and occasionally says a few words, but after many times, she gives up.

Xu Hui also has two older brothers, one in politics and the other in business. Each of the two elders has a son. Both of them have developed abroad, and both of them have established their families and businesses. They seldom return home.

The Xu family is a scholarly family in the capital. After their divorce, Xu Hui and Gu Hengyang have stayed in the Xu family. There are not many Xu family members, and there are two nearly 100 year old people in the family.

On November 4, welcome to Xu Hui's 56th birthday.

It's late. When I got home, it was already early in the morning. Fortunately, there were many rooms in the house. He found a room to rest. I went back to my bedroom and had a good night without sleep.

He was funny, "yes!"

I low Mou, looked at him way, "if not, lost Hua Yu, I follow you to cheat to eat to cheat to drink good."

"Well, you don't have to bet on Huayu." He had a slight smile and some banter.


He asked, "is there another company like this?"

I nodded, "Shenyu is a computer expert. There is a technology company in Jiangcheng. The researchers are all talented, but the management is not so good. We'll take time to go there another day and try to buy it."

He nodded, drove for a while, changed the topic and said, "Ai, is there any direction?"

I looked at the window, some of the pain can't breathe, for a long time just way, "well, I don't see, you send Shen Yu, let him low-key, get Lu Xinran mobile phone, choose the best in the middle of the night."

But once you get to a certain height, it's almost impossible for you to rely on your talents and wisdom to climb up. The next step is to rely on your contacts and blood to continue to enter this circle. If you want to get a firm foothold in the network circle at the top of the pyramid, you need to rely on your round range and the ability to be appreciated and respected.

The reason why Lin Wan was rejected by the Mo family for many years is probably that her birth and her wisdom are not enough to be accepted by the Mo family.

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