He stopped and asked me to look at him with extremely rude force. "Don't you feel angry? Do you think I don't have to, or do you feel disdainful?"

I was stunned.

He suddenly sneered and snuffed out the cigarette with his fingertips. "Do you have to talk like this?"

I said faintly, "fight? Are we arguing? "

He took a long puff, looked at me with deep eyes, and said seriously, "are you sure we're going to fight like this?"

Well, I'm just being angry.

I pursed lips, light mouth, "Mr. Fu polite, this is what I should do."

This is all sarcasm and sarcasm.

"Oh His eyes were cold and cold, his thin lips were dyed with a sneer, and he sat up straight. He took out a cigarette box from his trouser pocket. "Shen Shu, you are really good. Should I be glad to meet your generous, decent, gentle and virtuous wife?"

Looking at his attitude, I was extremely upset. "You don't have to do anything to me. You can do whatever you want in your heart. If you want to take care of Lu Xinran, if you can't let her go, you can go to her."

He looked at me, his eyes deep and reserved. For a long time, he looked at me angrily and said, "tell me, what am I going to do? What should we do? "

I have been generous enough not to hinder him from taking care of Lu Xinran, and I have no resentment. He has not kept the hatred of his children in mind, and has even tolerated that Lu Xinran needs him, and I will still persuade him to take care of him. I don't know why I do this, but he is still dissatisfied.

Looking at him, I want to laugh a little, "Fu Shenyan, can't let go of Lu Xinran. It's you who care about her. It's you who don't have an accident with me. It's you who go to find Lu Xinran repeatedly in the middle of the night. I don't have the perspective of God. I can't see what kind of existence you are to me."

Fu Shenyan stared at me with a sneer in his throat. "You didn't treat me as the father of the child at all. In your opinion, in this marriage, you don't care what I will do in the end? The child is gone. You rely on Gu Han. The person who wants to help is Shen Yu. Even if you encounter problems and want to find help, it's not my turn. Shen Shu, what do you think I am? An insignificant ornament? "

From the perspective of onlookers, this matter should be cleared up in any way.

We should not hate Lu Xinran, and we should not hold on to hatred.

Moreover, in the eyes of outsiders, it's true that I have no children, and Lu Xinran has no children. It's fair that we all have the same experience with each other, so I should be relieved.

He is responsible for Lu Xinran. Even though he knows a lot of things, he can't let go because of Lu Yan.

After a pause, I said, "no!"

I pursed my lips and looked at him.

He looked at me, dark eyes deep, "you think I will defend Lu Xinran, because in your opinion, I am not your husband, I will not think for you, I will not stand in your perspective to help you, right?"

I'm funny, "Fu Shenyan, what's weird? Don't I say what you want to hear, as you like? "

He took a breath, trying to suppress his anger. "What do you mean like me? Can you not take your assumptions for granted on me? What do you want to say and do? You tell me that you don't have to say these words so acrimoniously to hurt each other. We are husband and wife, not enemies. We don't have to fight. We are all looking for who is right and who is wrong. Shen Shu, do you understand? "

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