I pursed my lips and looked at him. After half a sound, I got out of the car, picked up the brick on the flower table and handed it to him. "Well, what I want you to do most now is to go up and beat that pair of hypocritical and disgusting mother and daughter, so that they can know that not everyone can cling to them. I want you to tell Lu Xinran clearly that Shen Shu's man is not qualified to touch or touch her fingers!"

Pick eyebrow to see him, I raised the brick in the hand, "how, do you go?"

Fu Shenyan buckled the belt and gave me a kiss on my forehead. He stroked my face with his thin cocoon fingers. I know, but he didn't even want to move.

I closed my eyes and felt pain everywhere. I couldn't breathe.

The next day.


Several times down, I almost lie on Fu Shenyan, completely no strength.

I'm a little confused. I don't quite understand what he means.

His voice was low, his voice was very gentle, and the strength of his kiss was much lighter.

"Don't refuse me all the time, Shen Shu. We are husband and wife. We are the closest people in the world. No matter what problems we have, we can solve them together. The Mo family is not as simple as you think. We have a long way to go. Let's face them together."

He put me in the bathtub, slender body also came in, bathtub is huge, accommodate three people are no problem.

It's a bit cold in the capital which is already in winter. Fortunately, the heating is installed at home. The temperature in the bathroom is very high, and soon I blush.

As if aware of my emotions, he took my coat, picked me up and went into the bathroom.

The key point is that I didn't respond at all. If this happens all of a sudden, it is estimated that his foreplay is useless.

I pursed my lips. "We just came back from the hospital. It's dusty. It's always right to wash."

He frowned. "What's the matter?"

Seeing that he didn't respond, he approached me. I said, "would you like to take a bath?"

I stagger eyes, unnatural way, "Fu Shenyan, now is the day, you don't mess."

The bedroom.

Sister Zhang and aunt Quan are not here.

Back to the villa, before I got off the car, he picked me up and went straight upstairs.

"Fu Shenyan, you are not finished, are you?" Day and night, no time.

Seeing that I was angry, he said, "I've been enduring it since I came back from Jiangcheng. Are you going to suffocate me if you don't let me touch it for such a long time?"

I can't help this man.

He drives extremely fast, light looked at me one eye, way, "a month two times all have no, Shen Shu, do you plan to let me pure vegetable?"

I am a Leng, reaction come over what he means, can't help staring at him, "Fu Shenyan, you don't want to face."

He started the car, took a look at me and said, "it seems that I haven't been exercising enough recently. I'm hungry after I go home."

"Not hungry!" I'm full of gas. What can I eat.

Seeing my anger subsided, he said with a smile, "what would you like to eat?"

I gave him a white look, threw my head back on the flower stand and got into the car.

With a smile in his eyes, he said, "are you going to let me live in the Bureau for a few years? And ready to remarry? "

"No way?" I pursed my lips and looked at him.

He Leng for a moment, some gaping at me, a moment helpless way, "are you sure you want me to do this?"

A moment later, he came out of the bedroom. I wrapped myself in the quilt and felt that my soul had been taken away.

I want to sleep when I close my eyes, but I can't sleep. I feel uncomfortable all over. I can't help but cry when my nose is sour.

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