"Fu Shenyan, it's not OK. It will infect you!" Lu Xinran's abortion didn't last long. He couldn't touch it, and so could I. I can figure it out with him.

Seeing that he was unmoved, I was in a bit of a hurry. "Fu Shenyan, the doctor said it would take a month, please."

As soon as I sat down, the waiter handed me the menu. Fu Shenyan had eaten it, and I didn't have a good appetite, so I just ordered some snacks and a pumpkin porridge.

The car stopped at the gate of Nanji porridge. I got out of the car and went directly into the porridge shop to find a seat. Maybe there were not many people coming in the evening.

For a few seconds, I greedily thought, if only we could go on forever, how happy our family would be!

He nodded slightly, looking at his handsome and gentle eyes, I suddenly found that this is the most harmonious day since Fu Shenyan and I got married.

Maybe it's the period of pregnancy and vomiting. I always feel that I'm resistant to the smell.

I thought about it and said, "light!"

At seven or eight o'clock in Jiangcheng, there was a lot of noise and excitement. Fu Shenyan took a side look at me and said, "what would you like to eat?"

After thinking about it, I finally changed my clothes and went out with him.

Seriously, I'm not hungry, but

However, it seemed that my words were useless. He looked at me and said, "I'll wait for you outside!"

I am a Leng, hastily open a way, "I am not hungry, go out also cannot eat, did not go."

He took off his suit, then changed into casual clothes, looked at me and said, "change clothes, what do you want to eat, let's go out to eat!"

"What's the matter?"

Helped me up, pulled me up to the second floor, I was a little confused.

He shook his head and said, "no, I may have been hungry all day. Now I suddenly eat something. I can't stand it, so I have nausea."

"Not good?" Cold voice came from behind. I was stunned and looked back at Fu Shenyan at the door.

I didn't hold back for a moment, "Ouch!" I vomited directly. I went to the bathroom. I vomited all the things I had just eaten. My stomach was even worse.

The taste is really good, but I don't know why. I just ate a few mouthfuls, and I felt uncomfortable in my stomach for several times.

He nodded, motioned me to eat quickly, and then looked down at the information in the mobile phone.

Get up to do the table, see Fu Shenyan only cooked a bowl of noodles, I Leng Leng Road, "have you eaten?"

I can't help thinking of what Cheng Junyu said today. If he was honest with Fu Shenyan, would he really handle this matter well?

Seeing me staring at him, he raised his eyebrows and said, "come and eat!" It's an order, but it's not annoying.

After a long time, he got up and went into the kitchen. When he came out, he held a bowl of noodles in his hand and put two eggs on the noodles.

He lowered his eyes, slightly raised the corner of his mouth, looked like a smile, but also like helpless.

I nodded, "the fumes in the kitchen are too heavy. I don't want to cook, so I washed two cucumbers."

Fu Shenyan was stunned, and then a pair of black eyes fell on the cucumber just now. He looked at me with complicated eyes and said, "did you plan to eat cucumber just now?"

I'm a little embarrassed, because just now my stomach called unknowingly. I nodded, laughed unnaturally and said, "I haven't eaten all day!"

For a long time, he calmed down the breath, then released me, eyes low way, "hungry?"

May be aware of the appeal in my voice, he gradually stopped action, speechless will I tightly in his arms, thin cool out of the lip light trace on my clavicle.

I'm about to cry.

To my surprise, Fu Shenyan stopped and came in with two people, Lu Xinran and Qiao Jinyan.

By chance? Or do you have an appointment in advance?

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