Seeing that I had already sat down, Fu Shenyan and three of them came to me and sat down. When they saw me, Lu Xinran's face changed, and then he didn't talk much. It was originally a seat for four.

Because I sat down first, Lu Xinran quickly took Fu Shenyan one step, sat down beside me, looked at Jiaoqiao and said, "sister Shen, it's OK for me to sit next to you, isn't it?"

Looking at Lu Xinran's red and swollen eyes and the nosebleed I had already dealt with, I pressed down my sadness and said, "Miss Lu, I'm sorry!"

I was stunned and didn't know what to say for a moment.

Qiao Jinyan found a tissue and handed it to Fu Shenyan. Looking at me, he twisted his eyebrows and said angrily, "does Miss Shen never go out with eyes?"

I think I just got up in a hurry and bumped into Lu Xinran's nose, so

He wiped most of the porridge on his body. When he looked back, he saw that Fu Shenyan was kneeling carefully in front of Lu Xinran to wipe her nosebleed.

I didn't have time to apologize. I reached for a tissue to wipe the porridge on my legs. When I went out, I was urged by Fu Shenyan. I only wore a dress. My clothes were thin and my skin was red.

Because some hot, I instinctively stood up, but didn't want to bump into Lu Xinran, who was close to me. She screamed with pain.

"Oh dear!" Suddenly, I drank a few mouthfuls of pumpkin porridge in front of me. I don't know why I spilled it all over me.

Said, her whole person toward me close, head close to my ear, I don't like others too close to me, brow a twist slightly moved body.

Before long, all the dishes and porridge were ready. Seeing that I also ordered pumpkin porridge, Lu Xinran laughed innocently and said, "sister Shen, you like pumpkin porridge, too. I'll tell you quietly that the porridge should be super delicious!"

See this, she also said more, continue to chat with two men, I can't get in the topic.

I shook my head, pushed the porridge back, and said with a smile, "I ordered it too, and it will be OK in a moment!"

"Sister Shen, what kind of porridge did you order? Let's drink together. Their pumpkin porridge is very good. Brother Shenyan used to bring me here. " Speaking, Lu Xinran has put porridge in front of me.

Because in my heart, he knows a lot of details. The tender love in my heart is an honor that I can't catch up with all my life.

This tacit understanding scene, I was stabbed pain.

Lu Xinran with a happy smile on his face, "you know Shenyan knows me best and I like pumpkin porridge best!"

The waiter brought up the porridge, which was pumpkin porridge. As soon as he put it down, Fu Shenyan naturally pushed the porridge to Lu Xinran, with a low voice, "here you are, drink, warm your stomach."

So three people began to chat, they talk about the topic I can not plug in, simply kept silent.

Fu Shenyan nodded and then gave the menu to the waiter.

He nodded, bowed his head and chose several kinds. Joe said cautiously, "third brother, don't order mine. I have no appetite."

I said, "a few snacks and a porridge!"

"What did you order?" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth, took the menu from the waiter and looked at me.

So I was silent.


Can I say it matters?

I didn't meet the pumpkin porridge just now. Except for my nearest friend Lu Xinran, I didn't think anyone would push the porridge to me.

"It's OK, sister Shen. Be careful next time." Lu Xinran finished, red eyes looking at Fu Shenyan said, "brother Shenyan, porridge spilled, I don't want to eat, you accompany me to go out, OK?"

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