"Shen Shu!" There was a furious voice at the door of the restaurant.

I didn't see it, so what about anger? Compared with their invisible knives, I'm at least aboveboard.

I didn't speak, my eyes hurt, and I didn't want to talk to him.

"Enough crying?" He spoke in a low, hoarse voice.

For a long time, I cried hoarse, tears also did not, began to quiet down.

I can't stop crying. He has no choice but to hold me in his arms and let me cry.

In the end, he held me in his arms to comfort me. It was useless from gentle coaxing to loud threatening.

He stopped at the end, and his voice soothed me. The more he spoke, the louder I cried.

Tears rolled down like heavy rain, from the original sobbing, to the final wailing, regardless of what Fu Shenyan felt.

I completely broke up for a while, and the grievances accumulated for a long time broke out completely in this instant.

Son of a bitch!

He just slightly pause body, voice low hoarse, "you good point, I light point!"

I frowned with pain and said, "Fu Shenyan, you will regret it!"

Fu Shenyan's hands were on both sides of me, and the man's lips fell down.

I was flustered in my heart. Looking at his cruel and violent eyes, my voice trembled and said, "Fu Shenyan, you can't do this to me!"

He sneered, black eyes full of bloodthirsty light.

At this time, I couldn't move completely. I was so angry that I said, "Fu Shenyan, you have this ability. Bullying women is no hero."

For a moment, he released me. As soon as I was free, he bent over and blocked my mouth.

For a long time, I couldn't breathe. My brain was short of oxygen. For a moment, I felt dizzy. He wanted to strangle me!

Four eyes opposite, sword light and sword shadow.

I was so choked that I couldn't breathe. I pushed him hard with my feet. Even if I couldn't speak, I didn't want to admit defeat. Even if I beat him to the end, it was better than boiling frogs in warm water.

His hand's strength increased, black eyes deep contraction, voice cold, "Shen Shu, you make me too surprised."

He sneered, choked me to calm down, and stared at me bitterly and coldly, "I'm not a man? I'm eating in the bowl, looking in the pot? I make you sick? "

"Fu Shenyan, you let me go, you are not a man." I was flustered in my heart and my mouth didn't stop me. I said whatever I thought.

"Bang!" The sound of closing the door made the whole villa tremble.

Fu Shenyan was very short of breath, and the wind under his feet took me to the bedroom.

Fortunately, it didn't take long to stop. Before I could be happy, I was pulled up and carried into the villa.

The car was as bumpy as being chased along the way, which made me feel sick.

I thought he would let go, but I didn't want him to fill me up. Then he threw me into the car and started the car.

With that, I turned directly out of the restaurant and passed Fu Shenyan at the door. My wrist was grabbed by him. I got angry and bit down.

"Four years ago, I sent my grandfather to the southwest border to see his old comrades in arms. On the way, I met a group of outlaws." He hugged me and suddenly opened his mouth. There was more melancholy and sadness in his voice than I had ever seen before.

I didn't know what he was going to say, so I simply kept silent and let him hold him. Listening to him, he continued to say, "the border was poor and the goods were scarce. At that time, there were wars in several border countries. In order to seek shelter, those Desperado broke into the home of my grandfather's old comrades in arms and tried to threaten us to bring them into China. At that time, the situation was urgent and no undocumented people were allowed to sneak in, Grandfather is an old soldier. He has been guarding the country for decades, so he immediately threatened that he would rather die than obey. They are all outlaws. When they see that my grandfather doesn't agree, they will kill people. My grandfather's old comrades in arms also died at that time in order to protect me and my grandfather. "

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