Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped. I couldn't help my curiosity. I looked up at him and said, "what happened later?" Because I cried just now, my voice is very hoarse.

When I asked him, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, showing a smile, and a kiss fell on my forehead.

Qiao Jinyan is a shareholder and manages the company. Although I am also a shareholder, I don't have many shares, and these shares are left by grandfather Fu. Although they are in my name, my right to use them is basically in the hands of Fu Shenyan.

Mr. Fu started with real estate, but in recent years he began to take advantage of other markets. Mr. Qiao used to run his own company. However, due to the listing of Mr. Fu and the need for capital flow support, Mr. Qiao merged with Mr. Fu.

Ironically, "director Shen started to put on the airs of president before he took the position of CEO. Is Fu going to change to Shen?"

I stopped the car in the garage and ran into Qiao Jingyan when I got on the elevator. He and his secretary were holding a stack of papers in their hands. When they saw me, he disdained to sneer.

Today, I'm going to the company. When I've finished packing myself, it's almost 10 o'clock. I didn't have time to eat breakfast, so I drove directly to the company.

I never knew that Fu Shenyan had such a side!

In the mind about last night's scene does not consciously emerge, is embarrassing.

Last night I went to bed too late, Fu Shenyan company had something to do and left early. It took me a long time to get up from the bed. Looking at the messy bedroom, I still vaguely felt confused last night.

Early in the morning, the sun through the French windows of the gap into the room, mottled light fell on the ground, like a little bit of candle.

Tossed all night, until the end of the middle of the night, he held me clean before he held me to sleep.

This night, I have no shame to


He's breathing heavily.

"I haven't recovered yet!" I opened my mouth and became a mosquito.

For a moment, I widened my eyes and looked at him in disbelief. My face turned red. This man

"That doesn't matter. It's late. We should go to bed!" When she spoke, she pulled me into her arms again and pressed my hand on his stride. Her voice was hoarse and low. "Shen Shu, if you light a fire, you will always put it out!"

I Leng Leng, for a moment some embarrassment, break away from his arms way, "you have not answered me!"

This is the first time that he smiles at me. He is gentle and clean. There is no bitterness but joy.

Seeing my big round eyes looking at him, he suddenly laughed and said, "don't you feel bad?"

"Their brother and sister saved you. Why didn't grandfather agree with you and Lu Xinran?" It is reasonable to say that my grandfather can agree to my marriage with Fu Shenyan. Why not agree with Lu Xinran? After all, she appeared early, and their brother and sister saved them?

He nodded, "Lu Yan hurt his heart at that time. I took him back to China for a few days. It could have been cured. Later, something happened. After he left, he entrusted Xinran to me to take care of him."

Looking at him, he said, "is it Lu Xinran and her brother?"

At this point, I guess some.

He continued, "later, my grandfather and I fled all the way back to China. We were in a dilemma. On the way, we met a pair of brothers and sisters. They went abroad to do business from Kyoto. On the way, my grandfather and I lost all our financial and documents, so we had to borrow money from them to go back to China. But I didn't expect that those outlaws would follow us We went all the way, and later we implicated the brothers and sisters.... "

I didn't take the position of director at the beginning. I've been climbing up in the past two years. Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, it's not difficult for me to climb up with the identity of Mrs. Fu.

In Qiao Jinyan's opinion, I just rely on Fu Shenyan to take the position of director, so he extremely despises me.

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