A glance at the copy in his hand is his electronic technology record. It seems that there are new products to be launched recently.

"Mr. Qiao is serious. Mr. Fu is always Mr. Fu. As a little director, I feel sick and ask for leave for two days. Shen Shu is really grateful for Mr. Qiao's concern. However, I think Mr. Qiao is very busy with his work. It's better to take care of his own affairs. If there are too many things in his heart, it's hard to avoid mistakes."

"Just now!" After answering his words, I glanced at Joe carefully, and saw that his face didn't matter.

Fu Shenyan and Qiao Jinyan came into the office. When they saw me, Fu Shenyan asked, "when did you come?"

I'm not eavesdropping, but they just come in and talk so loud that I can't help it even if I don't want to listen.

"Third brother, when Lu Yan left, you promised that he would take good care of Xinran. Now you treat Xinran like this. Have you considered Lu Yan and Xinran? Besides, Shen Shu, that woman is not suitable for you at all? " The voice was impatient, and could be recognized as Joe's cautious voice.

What does it mean for me and my children to leave at this time?

But thinking of my plan for this period of time, I began to tangle for a while. If Fu Shenyan was indifferent to me as always, it would be better, but recently his attitude has changed too much, and I began to hesitate.

Fu Shenyan asked me to come up this time, mostly to arrange the work for the next period of time.

Then I went into Fu Shenyan's office, found a book on the shelf, sat in the rest area and watched. After President Lu's project was completed, a lot of things happened, so the company didn't continue to arrange any projects for me.

I nodded, "you're busy!"

Hearing the news, he raised his eyes and looked over. When he saw that it was me, he was stunned and said, "Mr. Shen, the president is in Mr. Qiao's office. He will come over soon."

After a scan, Chen Yi was busy with the computer in the Secretary's office. I went up and knocked on the door of the secret library.

There is no one in the office area of Nuo Da, which is open and quiet. I only have Fu Shenyan to live in this kind of environment.

Fu Shenyan's office.

Pressing down my doubts, I nodded and said, "OK, I'll go up later."

How can Fu Shenyan know that I have come to the company?

Back to my own office, Han Shuang came in and looked at me and said, "Mr. Shen, Mr. Fu asked you to go to his office."

When the elevator opened, his words blocked his mouth. At last, he just gave me a cold look and went out.

There were only three of us in the elevator. I didn't mean to let him, but after all, his secretary was still there. It was embarrassing to quarrel with him.

"Two of Huayu's companies have new products on the market this month. You can follow them and pay attention to Huayao's trend." Fu Shenyan said this to me. He handed me the document on his desk and continued, "in addition, the annual audit of the company is coming. The original cooperation period with AC has come. You should go to the finance department to have a look. If it is necessary to continue the cooperation, you should go to the credit audit department to have a talk with their boss Chen Xing."

"Don't we work well with AC all the time? Why change audit company suddenly Qiao Jinyan took the words and said, "besides, credit audit has not been established for long. It's a small company. If they are given such a huge capital chain as Fu's, they will be in trouble in case of an accident."

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