Without answering Qiao's strict words, Fu Shenyan looked at me and said, "go and have a look at these materials. If you have any questions, ask Chen Yi."

After receiving the materials, I didn't say much, but I had the same worries as Qiao Jinyan. After a pause, I said, "Mr. Fu, I was responsible for the construction, Huayu is an electronic technology company, and the company's audit. I didn't contact with him before. Chen Yi has been responsible for all these things, so let him continue to be responsible."

I Leng Leng, looking at him, said, "thank you!"

With a faint smile, he handed me his lunch box and said, "this is a new hot pot made by chef Liu. It's good for your health."

Can't help laughing, "haven't you left yet?"

"Aren't you ready to go back?" Cold not Ding's door spreads voice, I Leng Leng, lift Mou to see is Cheng Jun Yu.

I took a cup of coffee and went back to the office to order a takeout. It seems that I have to stay in the company and work overtime tonight.

A busy afternoon, I sit for a long time, backache, the whole person tired, get up out of the office, see the office area has no one.

"Good!" When Han Shuang left, I was buried in a group of numbers.

Looking at Han Shuang, I said, "just say that I don't have time to push. In addition, help me contact the president of credit. I want to see him, and you can send me the companies that have been audited by credit in recent years."

For things linked to money, if AC and Fu end their cooperation, they will lose millions. No wonder he is eager to see me, but since Fu Shenyan is not willing to cooperate with him, there may be something I don't understand. I can't continue to deal with Lin Tao.

After the account, I went back to the office with the information. Han Shuang was busy. He came in to see me in a stack of books and said, "Mr. Shen, just now the president of AC Lin Tao called and said that he wanted to meet you."


I looked through the account book, nodded and said with some headache, "OK, I see. I'll look at it first. In addition, you can help me sort out a copy of AC audit data in previous years for me."

Liu Yue, the person in charge of the financial department, handed me all the accounts and said, "Mr. Shen, you can see that all the accounts are here now. This year's audit will add Mr. Qiao's, so the workload will be relatively heavy. Mr. Fu means that he wants to hand over this year's audit to the credit department."

It's just the audit of the company. I went to the finance department to check it. I didn't know. I was shocked when I checked it. The audit of the company has already started.

Back in my own office, I called Han Shuang and asked her to arrange as much as possible. During this period, we should pay attention to the Huayu market. It is estimated that we will be busy in a few days.

I took the information and knew in my heart that I couldn't push it off. Moreover, the workload this time was not so big.

With that, he looked at Qiao Jingyan and began to explain the task

"No, but since you are in the position of director, as an alternative shareholder of the company, you have the right to be familiar with any section of the company."

I was stunned and nodded to him, "I know, but..."

Fu Shenyan's black eyes swept at me, and Jun frowned, "director Shen, do you understand your responsibilities in the position of director?"

Originally, there was nothing between them. I thought he would leave when he put down his things. Unexpectedly, he was still standing. I couldn't find a topic to talk with him for a moment, so I kept silent.

"This year, the company's audit is carefully handed over to you?" He took a seat, looked at me and said.

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