I nodded, "Well! I'm not familiar with this area. I have a headache. "

He nodded and seemed to agree, "this year is just one year after the company's listing. There is a huge difference between this year's audit and previous years. If there is a little error, the company's stock will plummet, and many companies will go bankrupt because of the annual audit."

Fu's basement is very large and empty. When I sit in the car and talk on the phone, I can vaguely hear the echo. It's gloomy.

Listen to what she said, I guess it. Facing the phone, I said with a smile, "it's not the first day you met me. How about finding a suitable store?"

"Damn it She broke a sentence, "Miss Shen, you are so boring that you have no interest at all."

Listening to her voice, I thought, "Jingcheng!"

Looking at the time, it was already ten o'clock. When she picked up the phone, she took the lead in saying, "baby, guess where I am now?"

When I got on the car, Muzi called before I started it.

Seeing that he left, I drank a hot drink and continued to read the information for a while until I couldn't stand sitting on my butt.

I nodded, feeling a little disappointed. I thought I could have a supper together when I had time.

He said, "there's another Bureau in the evening. I'll go there."

"Are you going back?" I opened my mouth and looked out at the dark sky.

He laughed and got up to leave.

I nodded and drank a few mouthfuls of soup, which seemed really good. I looked at him and said, "thank you for your care during this period."

After a pause, he continued, "as for Huayao, it may be prudent to say that there is a plan to acquire Huayao in the later period. Let you pay attention to it. Maybe you want to see his later development."

Cheng Junyu frowned slightly, as if thinking, and said half loud, "in the first half of the year, Huayu was acquired by Fu because of the rupture of the capital chain. The previous management has been strict. Now it's up to you. Maybe it's prudent to say that you want to contact more new technologies. After all, there are policies. Next, the state will support the development of Internet and electronic technology companies. After Fu Maybe most of the industries are new technologies. I want you to be familiar with them in advance. "

I didn't think about the deep meaning. I closed the account book in my hand, opened the hot water he brought, looked at him and said, "I've taken over the Huayu case. In addition, why does Fu Shenyan want me to pay attention to the trend of Huayao?"

Is Fu Shenyan going to gamble with me or

I twisted my eyebrows and didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a pause, he straightened his clothes and continued, "but if you do it badly, something will happen to Fu, and you may also face the risk of leaving Fu completely."

He sat up straight, looked at me and said, "if you do this well, the shares that grandfather Fu left in your name will be transferred to your name. The right of use and control are in your name, and you will become a partner of the company from the director."

"Fu Shenyan knows that auditing is not my strong point. Why should I do this?" If something goes wrong, the price is the whole Fu family. The risk is too great. I don't understand Fu Shenyan's intention.

It's a reminder, I know.

He said seriously. I stopped my work and looked at him seriously. He continued, "besides, we have changed the audit company this year. You should be very careful in your work."

"Mm-hmm, Jingcheng is really a good place. It's very suitable for life. It's very leisurely. I've been here for a few days and I like the pace of life in this place. The weather is also good. It's very suitable for life."

Muzi said a lot, I will open the phone PA, start the car, underground space, I feel a little scared.

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