There was still some fear in my heart. I didn't stop too much in the parking lot, so I started the car and went back to the villa.

My heart is full of things.

I was afraid that he would touch me, and my heart refused his approach. Instinctively, I said, "don't touch me!"

For a long time, he walked beside me, tall figure squatted down, slender fingers slowly extended to me.

"Shen Shu, you..." Seeing me trembling and looking at him with disgust, his anger dissipated.

Just three times, the bathroom door was smashed open. He was tall and violent. He came in with a pair of black eyes and cold looking at me beside the bathtub.

"Bang!" Huge impact hit, the bathroom door was knocked to the ground, I was surprised to quickly back a few steps.

I almost broke, yelled at the door, "I told you to stay away from me, stay away, can't you hear me?"

"Shen Shu!" Outside came a gnashing voice, "don't challenge my bottom line! How are you

I shook my head, my heart and stomach are still uncomfortable to no good, "we have nothing to talk about, please stay away from me!"

"Shen Shu, open the door, what can I do for you?" His voice was cold enough to form a layer of ice.

It's disgusting, it's really disgusting. If I don't hear those voices, I can paralyze myself, but I can't do it at this time. No matter how many times I persuade myself not to think about the interwoven picture of Lu Xinran and him, I repeat those things repeatedly in my mind.

I leaned against the door and didn't even want to hear his voice, "Fu Shenyan, I don't want to see you. Please, please stay away from me!"

He was standing at the bathroom door in a low, warm voice.

Sure enough, not long after, he knocked the door open, his voice was rough and cold, "Shen Shu, what are you doing?"

"Bang!" There was a huge sound outside. I huddled in the bathroom and locked the door. I knew that if Fu Shenyan wanted to come in, there must be countless ways.

Desperately want to be his bedroom breath all clear, clean up all, I feel the smell of his body disgusting, took off his clothes into the bathroom, the shower to the maximum, want to be all he touched the place are washed off.

My mind is full of male and female voices, and my stomach and heart are so uncomfortable that I reject all the voices outside the door.

"Dong Dong..." Outside the door came a quick knock, "Shen Shu, open the door!" The man's voice was cold and shivering.

Locked the bedroom door, smelling the disgusting smell in the bedroom, I opened all the windows and changed all the covers and sheets on the bed.

Ignoring his cold face, he ran directly to the second floor.

I was shaking all over, and my stomach was suffering badly. He stepped forward and raised his hand to comfort me. The voice of those people in my head became more and more abominable. I raised my head and pushed him away.

"What did you eat?" A man's deep, cold voice came to my ear.

"Oh..." There was no time to change my shoes, so I ran directly into the bathroom, lay on the sink and retched. I had already vomited a lot just now, but I couldn't vomit at all.

Back to the villa, into the hall, see the hall to see the information of the man, the brain can not help but emerge the voice of those men and women intertwined.

His outstretched hand was stiff in the air, and the coldness of his eyebrows infected the air around him. "Tell me, what happened?"

"Fu Shenyan, let's divorce! OK or not? We divorce, I don't want anything, as long as you agree to divorce! " I opened my mouth, and my voice was choked.

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