Fu Shenyan's already ugly face was suddenly gloomy to the extreme, he looked at me, Zhan cold eyes fixed on my face, "Shen Shu, do you know what you are talking about?"

"I know!" Of course, I know, I endure for two years, wronged for two years, but do not love is not love, no matter how much warmth is not love!

He didn't sleep well all night and came to the company with tired body. When Han Shuang saw that my face was sallow and my condition was not very good, he worried and said, "Mr. Shen, did you stay up late last night to read the information? In fact, the company is not so difficult to audit. Don't put too much pressure on you. You are just better. Take care of yourself! "

Even so, when the sun rises again, we still have to open our eyes and continue to live.

That night, Fu Shenyan left the villa, and I stayed up all night.

He didn't give me any extra conversation. With that, he got up and left the bedroom.

For a long time, he took a shallow breath, and then spoke in a low voice, "you have a good rest. We'll talk when you calm down!"

The air in the bedroom is like a layer of tiny frost, cold to the bone, I bowed my head, not to see him.

In this life, it is God's gift to meet two people who are in love with each other. Most people can't ask for it!

But there are too many uncertainties in life. I forget that there are many things in the world that can be obtained by my own efforts, but only love can't.

I think that as long as I work hard enough to give him my heart, love and body, one day he will see it and pull me back and tell me that we can live a good life.

Since I met Fu Shenyan, I never thought that one day I would take the initiative to leave him.

"I don't love you, I really don't love you at all!" My eyes were red, and my heart was open to the pain. "I don't love you as much as I thought. I'm still young, and there are countless pairs of opportunities to find the people I love for the rest of my life, so let's divorce and let each other be free, OK?"

"Shen Shu!" In a low, restrained voice, he said, "tell me what happened? Why do you want a divorce all of a sudden, OK? "

"Not to say what it is?" I couldn't control my tears. My voice choked, "Fu Shenyan, I know you don't love me, do you?"

But you said it to Lu Xinran. My heart was so torn that I almost roared it out.

His body stiff for a moment, handsome eyebrow slightly frown up, deep eyes look at me, "Shen Shu, love is not just talk!"

I shook my head. My eyes were red and my voice was hoarse. "Fu Shenyan, do you love me?" I don't know why I asked this question, but I did.

He is calm, even if I say anything, but he always has a way to calm down.

Meng's hand was grabbed by him, and then I was put out of the bathroom by her, and I was placed on the bed. He surrounded me with a bath towel, and then half squatted in front of me, holding me with both hands, looking up at me, with a low voice, "tell me, what happened?"

I nodded and my head was buzzing. After reading Fu's finance, I looked at Qiao's finance carefully.

Seeing that I was yawning all the time, Han Shuang poured me a cup of coffee and said, "by the way, Mr. Shen, does the company give AC or credit to audit?"

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