"Miss Lu, I'd like to give you a suggestion. It's more reliable for you to call Joe about this kind of thing. Your brother Shenyan is cooking for our mother and daughter in the kitchen now. He doesn't have time to take care of your business."

Hearing my voice, Lu Xinran was in a bad mood. He said, "who asked you to answer brother Shenyan's phone? Shen Shu, you have no education. "

"Come on in Fu Shenyan didn't speak, I did.

When I got to the door, I heard Lu Xinran's voice, "I wanted to go out of your life clean. At least in your mind, I can still be a sister that I think of occasionally. I can't be a fan particle when you see it. But I can't help it. I didn't go out. I don't know what I should do next. Brother Shenyan, I can only find you."

I didn't intend to go to see it originally, but it's my home after all. I don't say anything. It seems that I can't make sense.

A few days no see, she seems more and more thin.

Lu Xinran, who was standing at the door, looked haggard and cold.

I was eating. Fu Shenyan got up and went to open the door. There was no movement for a long time. I couldn't help looking over.

I didn't expect that Lu Xinran would come to Shanshui residence by himself. When the doorbell rang, Siji had already fallen asleep.

Ha ha!

He was right, "you are my daughter-in-law, how strange."

"Don't you think you're weird?"

He picks eyebrow, "where is your whole body up and down that I haven't seen?"

Looking at him, I frowned, "you go out first!"

Bullshit. It must be first.

Fu Shenyan didn't seem to care so much about Lu Xinran. He just said, "her business is under the control of Jon. Siji is hungry. Do you eat first or feed first?"

It looks like I'm hungry.

"It's not meddling, I'm just curious!" Four seasons have been grasping my hand, small mouth a shriveled a shriveled.

Maybe it's my topic jumping too fast. He held his forehead and said helplessly, "it's someone else's business. When did you like to meddle so much?"

Lu Xinran is not in good health. She is not allowed to raise her in Beijing. Instead, she sent her back to Jiangcheng. Now she is not allowed to go to pear garden. Why?

I gave him a white look and went to the cradle to look at the four seasons. "Is Lin Wan a little neglected recently, Lu Xinran?"

He came up to me and said with a smile, "didn't you let her go to be cautious? Why don't I go again? "

Push him away, I have no good airway, "Lu Xinran ask you for help, you don't plan to go?"


His voice of magnetism low low smile came out, stubble rubs my face, kiss a way, "call again?"

I am a Leng, subconscious mouth, "husband?"

He said in a low voice, "what did you just call me? "Yes?"

He still has the smell of lampblack, but it still doesn't affect his elegance. I can't help saying, "what's his name?"

Fu Shenyan's low voice said, "let's hear it again."

Hung up the phone, I put the phone aside, the body suddenly was hugged from behind.

I hung up the phone directly. Anyway, I don't need to listen to the words behind. I know it's a curse. I just don't want to listen.

"Shen Shu, you..."

"Why can't I answer my husband's phone? Miss Lu, do you really think he is your brother? If you have nothing to do, think about why you even hate your parents. Find out why. Don't disturb other people's families if you have nothing to do. It's cheap! "

Damn, how long has this woman's mouth not been rinsed? It stinks when she opens her mouth.

Fu Shenyan looked back at me, then gave Lu Xinran a way to let her in.

Lu Xinran didn't seem surprised to see me. His face sank. He looked at Fu Shenyan and continued, "brother Shenyan, if you don't care about me, I will die."

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