Fu Shenyan is thin and cool. He is more responsible for Lu Xinran than anything else. Looking at her, he opens his mouth and says coldly, "what do you want?"

It seems that I didn't expect him to be so cold. Lu Xinran took a breath and said, "take me to see my mother."

Fu Shenyan frowned and said, "I'll be careful to meet you later."

Looking at Fu Shenyan, he said, "brother Shenyan, are you going to see my mother? Take me with you

Hearing the movement, Lu Xinran got up from the steps at the door and ran in front of the car.

But he didn't say much. He picked up Siji and settled down. He looked at me and said, "let's go!"

Not from frown, Fu Shenyan will drive out the car, also noticed the door of Lu Xinran.

Seeing a woman squatting at the gate of the yard, I was stunned for almost a few seconds, but my reaction was that Lu Xinran didn't go.

Pushing the pram out of the villa, Fu Shenyan went to the garage to drive, I held the pram in the yard waiting for him.

I'm like a trash.

Er ER!

He put the bottle in the pram, looked at me and said, "let's go!"

Looking at his skillful movements, I couldn't help saying, "Fu Shenyan, have you changed the diapers of Siji?"

After a bit of grooming, I changed my clothes and put on a light make-up. When I went downstairs, I saw that Fu Shenyan had packed up all the baby bottles and diapers of the four seasons.

I want to refuse, but after thinking about it, let it go.

He nodded for me to change.

Thinking of the message Chen Xing sent me, I couldn't help wringing my eyebrows, "do you really want to have dinner with Lin Wan?"

He shook his head, pursed his lips slightly, looked at me and said, "go upstairs, change your clothes, and then go out!"

See his Mou color some strange, I can't help opening a way, "how do you suddenly ask this?"

I thought about it and said, "it's fake to say that I don't want to, but now it's been so many years. Even if I see them again, I don't know how to get along with them. Moreover, I think some people miss it for a lifetime. When they leave me, they probably don't want to find me, so I don't want to find them."

He frowned and didn't say much. He just said, "answer my question directly."

I Leng for a while, "how do you do the topic jump so fast?"

Fu Shenyan's eyes sank and looked at me, "have you ever thought of looking for your biological parents?"

What happened to their mother and daughter?

I didn't open my mouth, but I was still curious about the question, "why does Lu Xinran need you to take him when he sees Lin Wan?"

He looked back at me, black eyes extremely deep, "you won't!"

Seeing her out of the villa, I pursed my lips, as if to see myself, "Fu Shenyan, are you so heartless to every woman?"

"Good!" Or a word, she turned, eyes with desolate and ridiculous.

I can hear it. Lu Xinran can also hear it.

It's the order of the guest.

"It's not early. Shen Shu and I will have something to do later. If you have nothing to do, go back first!" Fu Shenyan opened his mouth with no emotion at all.

There was a tremor in the voice.

Lu Xinran's face was so pale that she felt pain in her eyes. For a long time, she nodded and said, "good!"

Then he looked at her indifferently and said, "your life will take care of you. If you have nothing to do in the future, don't come here."

Fu Shenyan seems to be very calm, just light mouth way, "can!"

I'm more surprised than Lu Xinran. Her own mother, she needs Fu Shenyan to take it with her?

Lu Xinran red eyes, "the weather is so cold, brother Shenyan, please, take me with you!"

"Come up!" I opened a mouth, some irritable, "Miss Lu doesn't need to make herself so embarrassed to win sympathy."

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