Lu Xinran's face turned white, and a pair of poor eyes looked at Fu Shenyan.

Fu Shenyan's face is not very good, cold, "can't sit in the car, you wait carefully!"

There are still some things that I didn't see.

Is there a man who doesn't care about his wife's past? For the society, Mo Zhicheng can be so calm face?

Second, Mo Zhicheng should have known all the videos of Lin Wan in the past. Why can he treat Lin Wan so calmly.

I can't help but feel puzzled. First, this person's attitude towards me from the beginning to now is quite different.

Probably aware of my disgust, Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng both sat down.

I feel that these two people have some inexplicable. I can't help looking at Fu Shenyan. He took my hand and patted it to appease me. Looking at Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng, he said, "sit down

Lin Wan took Mo Zhicheng and said, "blame me, it's my fault."

I pursed my lips, and my face was not very good. "She suffered a lot when she was born, so she looked younger than a normal child."

Mo Zhicheng looked at me coldly and said, "Shen Shu, this child is a little younger than a normal child. Is nutrition not keeping up?"

Looking at the four seasons in the cart with a warm face, he said with a smile, "it's really lovely. It should be four months to calculate the time."

Lin Wan seemed to see that I had some extra hospitality and gentleness, and ordered the servant to start serving. She and Mo Zhicheng did what Fu Shenyan and I did.

The round table is very big. If you don't speak a little louder, you won't be able to hear what you say.

The villa in Liyuan is probably the most spacious villa in Jiangcheng. The restaurant only covers an area of more than 100 square meters, larger than the average restaurant.

I went to Jon and sat next to him. Fu Shenyan pushed the pram and leaned against him.

"Shen Shu, come and sit here!" When Jon saw me, he spoke in a hurry and waved to me.

Jon said that most of Muzi's accidents were caused by Lu Ke's stimulation. I looked at this more and more temperament woman and felt cold.

I'm surprised to see her here.

The restaurant is on the first floor. Jon and Chen Xing are here. Even Cheng Junyu, who hasn't seen him for a long time, is here. The woman he is following is Lu Ke, who hasn't seen him for a long time.

Fu Shenyan holding the four seasons, did not say more, just light way, "let's go!"

Lin Wan's eyes suddenly turned red. He shook his head and said, "no, child, don't think about it. I'm happy. It's ok if the child is OK."

I pursed my lips. My face was chilly. "Lin always plans to move his hand again?"

Fu Shenyan takes Siji out. Mo Zhicheng and Lin Wan look at each other and look at me in surprise. "Child Is the child OK? "

Seeing us, Lin Wan came forward, looked at me and said with a smile, "here we are. When the meal is ready, we are waiting for you to go up."

The car stops outside the pear garden, at the door of the villa. Lin Wan and Mo Zhicheng stand at the door, waiting for a long time.

Along the way, Siji is very good, probably like to ride, so she is very excited in the car, and from time to time she also holds out her hands and grabs around.

"Drive well!" It's the same to me whether my heart hurts or not.

He pursed his lips and looked at me. "Do you want me to feel bad?"

I looked in the rearview mirror at Lu Xinran, who was standing still. I looked at Fu Shenyan and frowned. "She's like this. Don't you care?"

Then he bypassed her, started the car and left!

Looking at the people have not come together, Lin Wan looked at everyone and said, "the dishes are all together, everyone has a taste."

Before I finished speaking, a noisy voice came from the outside. It was Lu Xinran's voice. "Mom, what did I do wrong? Don't you see me?"

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